Chapter 625 Good Luck Turned Bad Luck?

Shangguan Yun raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and asked the boy to untie the stone.

Seeing that he was willing to spend money, the boy made a 180-degree turn in his attitude, and served him like a master. Shangguan Yun was very useful to their transformation, he bent his eyes to enjoy the servants' company, and directly Baili Qinxue and the others were left alone.

Baili Qinxue stood where she was, the smile in her eyes gradually deepened, "He has already fallen into the abyss..."

Dugu Sheng parted her thin lips, and asked with a smile, "What does A Xue want to do next?"

"I want his house deed and land deed." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.The lifeblood of the big family is those house deeds and land deeds. If these things fall into the hands of others, it is tantamount to losing half of their lives.

Zhao Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and said, "Even if I offend others, I can't offend you, my little sister. The shady scheme behind this is hard to guard against, it's really scary."

"You still want to offend me"? " Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and asked with a smile.

"I dare not." Zhao Yu said with a smile, "I'm just talking casually."

"Well, Ah Yu is timid, so I just dare to talk casually." Lin Wanwan said bad things about Zhao Yu.

Wei Nanzi stood quietly at the side, watching the movement over there.Seeing that all the dozen or so stones that Shangguan Yun had bought were all bets, Shangguan Yun's face turned blue and then pale, and he just stood there in a daze.

"How could this be..." Shangguan Yun picked up the stone fragments, wanting to see if they were missed by the servant, but he saw that there was not even a hair in them.

Shangguan Yun didn't believe in evil anymore, he took out another bag of gold coins and threw it on the table, and said with red eyes: "I want to buy the stone raw materials on this table too, sir."

The boy called him a money-spreading boy, and before he could say anything, he took off the stone material on it and began to unravel it.

Shangguan Yun's luck might be really good today, but he really got one or two yuan spirit crystals out, but one or two won't help him at all, and he's still at a loss.

Shangguan Yun gritted his teeth, his eyes were already red, and he didn't want to stop at all.

He took out another bag of gold coins and threw it on the table, "I want to buy all the stone materials in front of me."

The servant counted the gold coins in the bag, and said with displeasure in his eyes: "Guest, you only have a half of the gold coins in your bag, and you can only buy a half. If you want to buy them all, you may have to add some."

"Buy half and buy half." Shangguan Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with the boy, he had to earn back the lost gold coins immediately.

The servant gave him a blank look, and slowly untied the stone in front of him.

Shangguan Yun leaned forward to have a look, "How is it, did you find something good?"

"No, it's all air." The boy said as he unwrapped the stone, "Don't worry, my guest. This is how gambling with stones works. You can make money and you can lose money. If you are impatient, you can't eat hot tofu." .”

"Then stop talking and explain to me quickly." Shangguan Yun said eagerly.

"..." The boy raised his head and rolled his eyes. Who was the person who was talking to him just now?
When all the stones were solved, Shangguan Yun's face turned pale again. He bought half of the stones, but he only found a piece of second-grade black iron, and this second-grade black iron was missing a corner, which was a waste product. scrap.

How could it be like this? Isn’t he very lucky today? Why did his luck turn into bad luck? Could it be that his good luck is yet to come? After all, there are still a lot of stone raw materials in the underground casino


(End of this chapter)

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