Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 636 The Fragrance in the Small Bottle

Chapter 636 The Fragrance in the Small Bottle

"It's nothing, I just wonder if Miss Duo'er would want to help. After all, her arm has only healed for a few days, so it should not be blown." Baili Liuxu had a touching smile and dared to argue with her.

"It's not something you should worry about, Tuoyouping." Dongfang Duo'er gritted his teeth.

Baili Liuxu's complexion changed, she was the most jealous of others calling her an oil bottle, "Even if it is an oil bottle, it is better than a broken arm, isn't it our medicine refining genius?"

Slut, actually mocking her!I don't know where Baili Liuxu started to resist. In the past, she always bowed her knees and didn't dare to resist.

It must be because her status is not as good as before, that's why she won't be like this, bitch!
"You also know that I am an admirable genius in refining medicine, so you still dare to yell at me. Tuoyou bottle is not on the table at all." Dongfang Duoer sighed a few times, then shook his sleeves leave.

Baili Liuxu sat where she was, gritted her teeth, and even dared to yell at her with a broken arm. When she married into the Murong family, she would have to suffer.

Baili Qinxue watched coldly, let them fight happily, she can make some seasoning.

At this time, Baili Liuxu also stood up from her seat and was walking towards them.

"This is not Miss Dugu, but she came here to enjoy the flowers in the back garden." Baili Liuxu snorted softly from his nostrils, probably because Murong Qing promised him a favor that night, his nostrils became more and more upturned.

"Miss Baili is also very leisurely." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Dugu Sheng flicked his sleeves, and looked at Baili Liuxu with a half-smile.

Baili Liuxu was stunned. She had heard that there was an extremely beautiful man beside her. She used to feel enchanting and charming when she looked at him from a distance, like a heavenly being.

It is indeed a good-looking person, but it is just a waste of second-class class, which is a pity.

Baili Liuxu couldn't help but look a few more times, Dugu Sheng slowly pursed his lips, his eyes were cold and stern.

"Even if it's useless, the momentum is pretty good..." Baili Liuxu subconsciously withdrew her gaze and muttered to herself.

The smile in Dugu Sheng's eyes was even more touching, obviously he heard her words.

"Then I won't bother you to enjoy the flowers. This girl has to go." Baili Liuxu raised her head and chest, and left with a flick of her sleeves. As she walked, the beads on her bun swayed, appearing more and more arrogant.

"Thinking about becoming the head of the house, I'm so embarrassing." Baili Qinxue chuckled, but saw a small bottle lying on the ground, shining in the sun, "There is a small bottle on the ground, from Baili catkin's cuff slipped off?"

"Probably yes, there was no such small bottle just now." Dugu Sheng also looked at the small bottle on the ground.

"I don't know what's inside." Baili Qinxue possessed herself and picked up the small bottle. The moment she opened the bottle, a strange and leisurely fragrance wafted into the tip of her nose, which made people feel confused.

Baili Qinxue couldn't cry, so she hurriedly closed the small bottle.

"What's wrong?" Dugu Sheng saw that she had a strange expression.

"It smells very weird. It smells indescribable. If you don't believe me, smell it." Baili Qinxue handed him the small bottle.

Dugu Sheng opened the small bottle suspiciously, and after smelling it, he hurriedly closed the small bottle, frowning as well.

"How about it, it's weird, I think there must be something weird in it." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

"It's indeed weird." Dugu Sheng was silent for a moment and finally curled up his lips, but there was a little bit of ambiguity in his smile.


(End of this chapter)

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