Chapter 640 You Are Too Delicate!

"I don't do any strenuous exercise. My legs are fine. I can run and jump. Miss Duo'er, don't make wild guesses." Bring the umbrella closer, you want to sunburn me to death."

The servant girl suddenly felt inexplicable for a while, she was obviously holding it very close...

Dongfang Duo'er couldn't help but sneered, she was going to vent her anger on the servant girl if she couldn't fight, that's all the little bitch is capable of.

"Let's go faster and go to the temple to offer incense earlier, which means we are pious in our hearts, and the Buddha will bless me even more." Dongfang Duo'er ordered the maid, and her pace quickened a little.

Baili Liuxu was struggling to follow, she gritted her teeth, and cursed Dongfang Duo'er thousands of times in her heart.

The temple outside Xinghua City is on the mountain. Just follow the steps up the mountain to reach the temple. Baili Liuxu is standing at the foot of the mountain panting heavily. The mountain is very high and the steps are steep.

Baili Liuxu retreated a bit. If he climbed the mountain and survived, he would lose half his life.

"Miss Baili, won't you come up?" Dongfang Duo'er had already walked up the steps first, and was standing on the steps condescendingly looking down at her, and Baili Liuxu could clearly see the look of contempt in her eyes.

Baili Liuxu gritted her teeth, and could only bite the bullet and said: "Naturally, it will come up, how could it be possible to retreat after reaching this stage..."

"Then come up quickly, I'm still waiting for you." Dongfang Duo'er raised her eyebrows triumphantly.

Baili Liuxu smiled ferociously, enduring the pain in her thigh and walked up the steps step by step. After an unknown amount of time, when Baili Liuxu felt that she was about to die, a pretty good temple came into view.The walls around the temple are khaki, the unpainted wooden doors are wide open, and there are constant pilgrims who come to offer incense. In a flash, you push and let me let you go, and the scent of incense candles from the temple lingers on the tip of your nose. , After smelling it for a long time, I feel that it tastes good.

Dongfang Duo'er waved her handkerchief in distaste, and said, "It's really a mix of fish and snakes, such a crowd really lowers the class of this girl..."

"Miss Duo'er." Baili Liuxu reminded: "You can't say such nonsense in front of the Buddha, otherwise you will suffer if the Buddha hears it."

Dongfang Duoer was startled, and said in a strange way, "You are right, thank you Miss Baili for reminding me, but I see that your mental state is sluggish, if the Buddha sees you, will it blame you for being impious?"

Baili Liuxu squinted her eyes and retorted: "How could it be? It would be more devout to offer incense and pray for blessings while sick."

The little bitch has a good mouth!Dongfang Duo'er gave her a blank look, and there was a touch of irritability in her voice, "In that case, let's go in and burn incense. After the incense is finished, go outside to ask Brother Murong for a peace talisman, and then go shopping around, Baili What do you think, girl?"

How could Baili Liuxu refuse aloud, she could only bite the bullet and nodded, "Let's listen to Miss Duo'er."

The two maids around closed the oil-paper umbrella, and Baili Liuxu and Dongfang Duo'er went into the hall to offer incense. After a long journey, Baili Liuxu was tossed to death, and after asking for the peace talisman, Baili Liuxu was already out of breath from exhaustion, and her legs were trembling as if it was not her own.

"Miss Baili, what's wrong with you?" Dongfang Duo'er gloated and said, "You are too delicate, you have only walked so far, so you can't do it?"


(End of this chapter)

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