Chapter 655 Prepare to stock up on food

PS: [The server garbage chapter is actually ahead of schedule, I can only modify the content, the chapter name is just that, I don't want to bother to edit]

Dongfang Duo'er pursed her lips and said nothing. It's great to be able to marry Murong Qing as the head of the house, but she became a foil in front of Weinan Lin Che, and she couldn't even compare her hair.

Seeing a few people approaching, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng hid directly in the hiding place, it must be a bad thing to be seen by these women.

Baili Liuxu took out the kettle and poured water in the river, and said, "Why is Miss Duo'er silent? I remember that Miss Duo'er had a soft spot for the Third Prince..."

"Is there such a thing?" Xilanlu exclaimed, and the braids on her head were raised up, "Isn't Dongfang girl married to Mr. Murong, is it possible that she still has feelings for the third prince at this time?"

"That's not right." Xilan Manyue covered her mouth in surprise, and said, "Isn't Mr. Murong too pitiful?"

Liu Cheng thought of Dongfang Duo'er throwing herself into Weinan Lin Che's arms naked that night in Taoyuan Cave, so she believed Baili Liuxu's words a little bit.

She smiled, "There are other things."

Baili Liuxu pretended to say something wrong, quickly covered her mouth and said, "Oh my God, I thought you all saw it, but you didn't know, did I say something I shouldn't have said?"

"Your words are indeed too much." Dongfang Duo'er glanced at her, and said with a sneer: "I have never had a soft spot for the third prince. If there is no evidence, please don't talk nonsense, and you and Mr. Murong have a whole relationship." When you are together every day, you flirt with each other, and if others don't know, they think you have hooked up..."

Dongfang Duo'er spoke very harshly.

But thinking about it carefully, Baili Liuxu and Murong Qing are indeed very close. Although they are brothers and sisters on the surface, they are not related by blood. If you want something like that, it's okay.

They all cast their gazes on Baili Liuxu, their eyes full of inquiry.

"Ms. Duo'er is joking, my brother and I are brother and sister..." Baili Liuxu's face was a little ugly.

Dongfang Duo'er raised her red lips, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

"You see a lot of water on the ground." Liu Cheng noticed the water stains on the ground, and there was a fishy smell spreading around, "There is also a strong fishy smell, has someone been here?"

"What's the matter?" Xilan green said nonchalantly: "There is a small river around, and there are fish in the river, so there will naturally be a fishy smell, and once the water in the river accumulates, it will spread to the shore, and there will be water stains around Not surprising."

"Sister Lu'er made a lot of sense." Xilan Manyue also bent down and poured some water into the kettle.

"That's right." Liu Cheng pursed her lips, maybe she was too suspicious, but she always felt that someone had been here, she couldn't help asking: "We are in the south, so who occupied the northern city?"

The south and the north are closest, so it is reasonable for her to have this question.

"We just came here, who knows who has occupied the northern city." Dongfang Duo'er casually played with the ends of her hair, and said, "Miss Liu, stop being suspicious, the ones who came here are definitely not humans, but monsters." .”

Liu Cheng just wanted to stare at her a few times, but found that her words were not unreasonable, "You are right, there were a lot of monsters in the city just now, and there must be a lot of monsters outside the city, the water stains are probably made by the monsters. "

Liu Cheng's wariness dropped.

"Have you finished mixing the water? We should go back when it's ready." Xilan Manyue turned off the kettle.

These women just come out to add some water, and their men are responsible for hunting some game. After all, they have to stay in this kind of place for ten days, what can they do without food?

(End of this chapter)

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