Chapter 660 They Are So Hypocritical! !

Although they are rich in resources and live comfortably, they don't pay attention to cooperation. Each of them has a small child in their hearts, and they are unwilling to listen to so-and-so's command.

However, their city is not bad, there is no trace of dilapidation at all, it looks very majestic and tall, the city is also very clean and tidy, and the furnishings in the palace also look very new, but it has not been used for a long time, and there is a layer of dust on it.

"Sister Manyue, what kind of broken house is this? Why is there a layer of dust on it?" Xilanlu looked around in disgust, chattering endlessly.

Xilan Manyue covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and said, "It may be that no one lives there all year round, so this will be the case..."

"Are we going to live in such a ghostly place tonight?" Dongfang Duo'er raised her voice, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that this place was very unpleasant, she said: "I don't want to live in this kind of ghostly place, there is so much dust, The place is so desolate, it is completely a dead city, and I don’t know what will happen if I sleep here.”

Weinan Lin Che was upset when she heard her voice, "Not tonight, but these ten days will live here."

She doesn't contribute much, but she always complains, a bitch is hypocritical!

Lin Fenglie also echoed: "The third prince is right. We will live in this palace for the next ten days. If Dongfang girls don't want to, they can go live outside the city. They will use the ground as their seat and the sky as their quilt..."

After that, he raised his eyebrows and looked down at Dongfang Duo'er.

"This girl doesn't want..." Dongfang Duo'er saw the hideous scar on his face, she was breathless, and could not utter any complaints.

What a coward!Lin Fenglie glanced at her.

"But it's really dirty here." Baili Liuxu also flattened her mouth, her face full of disgust.

"Isn't it enough to clean it up?" Liu Cheng smiled, they were all hypocritical young ladies, it was annoying to see.

"Who will clean it?" Dongfang Duo'er raised her voice again, asking her to clean the house, it's a dream, she doesn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers, how can she do this kind of rough work?

"That's right, who will clean it?" Xilan Lu and Xilan Manyue couldn't help asking, feeling a bad premonition.

"Of course you girls are here to clean it up." Shangguan Yun blinked his eyes and said in a brisk voice, "We men want to handle and roast the game that we brought in. Do you girls want to do nothing?"

"This..." They all showed embarrassment.

"If you don't want to clean, then let's exchange it." Shangguan Yun slumped on the chair, and said rascally, "You guys deal with the wild game, and we clean the palace, which can save a lot of trouble."

Dongfang Xi and Xi Lanming didn't speak, their sisters were all there, so it's always bad to help.

"Brother Shangguan's words are true." Lin Fenglie lifted his robe and sat down, "If you want to deal with wild game, we won't stop you, what do you think, Third Prince?"

Weinan Lin Che raised her eyebrows calmly, her voice was still gentle, "You can do whatever you want, I have no objection."

Liu Cheng gave them a hard look, a bunch of hypocrites, now they have to deal with wild game, are you satisfied now?
"How to deal with wild game?" Dongfang Duo'er almost jumped out of anger when she heard that, she, a young lady, wanted to deal with such disgusting things, she didn't want to do this, "If I want to deal with wild game, I'd rather clean the palace. "

"We would rather clean the palace too." The others also let go.


(End of this chapter)

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