Chapter 663 Wearing a Cuckold?
Wei Nan Lin Che heaved a sigh of relief for no reason, if a cold bath is useless, he wouldn't mind throwing Dongfang Duo'er into Murong Qing's residence and asking him to help Dongfang Duo'er relieve the fever.

Dongfang Duo'er slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were still blurred, "Third Prince, am I dreaming, did I see you in my dream?"..."

Dongfang Duoer's face was full of surprises, and she had to say that she had not forgotten Lin Che Weinan, and there was still a little love left in her heart.

Weinan Lin Che's expression turned cold, and he remained silent.

Dongfang Duo'er pursed her lips, and her eyes were suddenly filled with luster, "Even in a dream, the Third Prince is still so good-looking..."

Weinan Lin Che ignored her, and directly poured some cold water into the barrel. Dongfang Duoer trembled all over, and her eyes gradually recovered their clarity. Weinan Lin Che narrowed her eyes, and raised her hand to knock her out. .

"I don't know where Miss Duo'er went. I got up in the middle of the night and wanted to go to the hut, but the light was still on in her room. When I pushed the door in, I didn't see her in the room." The voice of Baili Liuxu came to mind outside, and There were a few chaotic footsteps.

"You said my sister is missing?" Dongfang Xi felt a little surprised, "Impossible, she was fine during the meal, why did she disappear when she turned her head?"

"It's true that I was still there when I was eating, but I don't know where it is at this moment." Baili Liuxu walked around in a hurry, "I don't know where Miss Duoer went, but I am really anxious to death."

There are too many weird things happening today, Xilanlu stroked her arm, and said tremblingly: "Just now someone said that so-and-so broke in, but now Dongfang Duoer is gone, this city won't... be haunted, right? ?”

"Haunted?" Xilan Manyue's voice suddenly rose, and she said, "Sister Lu'er, don't scare people, people scare people and scare people to death..."

"I don't want to scare people..." Xilanlu swallowed and said, "But I really think it's weird."

"Sister, don't scare yourself, how can there be ghosts in this world." Xi Lanming comforted them.

"But, where is Miss Duo'er?" Baili Liuxu bit her lip, "I've searched all kinds of places in the city, but I can't find her."

"Could it be that you went out to steal a man?" Shangguan Yun covered his lips and laughed.

Murong Qing's cheeks were livid, "Brother Shangguan, you must be careful with your words, and don't slander the innocence of other girls."

Only then did Shangguan Yun realize that Murong Qing was Dongfang Duo'er's fiancé, did he kick on the steel plate?He raised his eyebrows, put a smile on his face and said, "Don't take it seriously, I'm just joking."

Dongfang Xi also gave Shangguan Yun a hard look.

"Speaking of..." Liu Cheng pursed her lips, some words accumulated in her heart and she always felt a little uncomfortable, she wanted to say them one by one, "The Dongfang girl once seemed to care about the third prince, and she couldn't be alone Run outside the city, do you think she will be in..."

Baili Liuxu's eyes lit up, and she almost wanted to cheer for Liu Cheng.

Hearing this, everyone froze in place.

There is also such a thing... Dongfang Duo'er is very interested in Wei Nan Lin Che, so it is possible for her to use this opportunity to cook raw rice?

Dongfang Xi was dumbfounded, his sister wouldn't do such a stupid thing, would she?

Murong Qing's cheeks were ashen, and his lips turned white. Is he about to be cuckolded?
Shangguan Yun was amazed at such a magical turn, and his crow's mouth really hit the mark, it's too unbelievable.


(End of this chapter)

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