Chapter 678 Third Prince, There Are Ogres
Lin Che's eyes were dissatisfied with her coming uninvited, but she still bent her lips and said with a smile: "Is there anything wrong with Miss Liu when you think of a place where rosemary is useful?"

He smiled like a bright moon, his face was clear and moist, and Liu Cheng trembled slightly. It should be impossible for such a person to use rosemary to do bad things.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Liu Cheng opened the chair and sat down, "It's just that ordinary people rarely use this kind of rosemary, and I just feel a little curious."

"So that's how it is." Weinan Lin Che continued to laugh without saying a word of superfluous words.

Liu Cheng sat in the room for a while, when there was a great commotion outside, Murong Qing and the other men rushed in anxiously and said, "Third Prince, something is wrong, some people said that just now Saw some ogre."

People like them have heard of ogre. After all, it is recorded that it is a monster in the tablet, or it is introduced in a large space, and it is a fierce beast that has lived for thousands of years, which makes people quite afraid.

Wei Nan Lin Che trembled, walked out of the room with a flick of his sleeves and asked, "Has anyone seen the ten thousand-year-old ferocious ogre?"

Liu Cheng also walked out of his room one step later, and asked uncertainly: "Is it true? Was it fabricated by someone? After all, the ogre has disappeared for many years, and this is the siege of the academy. How could it be possible?" Ogres appearing?"

Ogres specialize in eating human flesh, and once they appear, there will be a bloodbath, and they may also suffer.

"It's true." Shangguan Yun turned around anxiously, "Many people have seen it, and one or two people have escaped from the hands of the ogre, and they are in our palace right now."

"Are you escaping to our palace?" Weinan Lin Che felt a little inconceivable.

"That's right." Murong Qing felt a little creepy when he thought of those two blood men, "The ogres were raging in the west and east just now, and all the people who were arrested were students from the west and east, and the ogres only captured a small number of them." Students, did not destroy the city there."

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Che was thinking about Brother Bird all the time, and forgot to observe the situation outside. He didn't expect such a frightening thing to appear in the blink of an eye.

"Of course." Dongfang Xi felt a little fuzzy in his heart, "Third Prince, follow us to the main hall, and when you get there, you will believe what we say."

Xi Lanming also said: "That's right, let's go, my sister and the others are staying in the hall at the moment, if we don't leave them, I'm afraid they will be scared to death."

"Then let's go to the main hall quickly." Wei Nan Lin Che followed them to the main hall with a flick of his sleeves.

Liu Cheng followed suit.

There are two blood men lying in the hall, both of them are missing arms and legs, and bones are still exposed at the broken limbs. Looking at this scene, Dongfang Duo'er can't help thinking that the day she lost her arm was also so bloody and terrifying. , ugly right?

"Miss Duo'er, what's wrong with you?" Baili Liuxu thought of the failure of her plan last night, and looked at Dongfang Duo'er's face and wanted to vomit her to death, "Seeing where they broke, did it bring back any memories for you?"

"I don't have any memories." Dongfang Duo'er straightened her back, glanced at Baili Liuxu dissatisfiedly and said, "You have time to talk nonsense, why don't you learn how to be a human being? I heard you messed up here yesterday. The people were very dissatisfied, saying that I had disappeared, and there was a lot of trouble, but you came to my door before I said anything."


(End of this chapter)

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