Chapter 680 The Ogre Has Left
"You said the ogre has arrived in the north?" Dongfang Duo'er's voice suddenly rose, "The north is very close to us, so the ogre won't attack us after finishing attacking the north, right?"

As soon as these words came out, some people in the hall showed panic.

Shangguan Yun swallowed his saliva and said, "Let's evacuate from the besieged city as soon as possible. Compared with life, life is the most important thing compared to life."

"Afraid of death." Dongfang Xi couldn't help but give him a blank look.

Shangguan Yun didn't take this look to heart at all, all he wanted to do now was to save his life.

"Please don't be surprised, Mr. Shangguan." Weinan Lin Che rubbed his temples and said, "If the ogre wanted to come, he would have already come, and now it's already sunset, the ogre must have already left .”

"But..." Shangguan Yun continued with trembling hands and legs, "Maybe the people in the north are fighting hard, so the ogre won't be here for a while, and maybe the ogre will come after a while."

"Shangguan Yun, don't be crowed." Dongfang Xi stepped forward to cover his mouth, and glared at him several times.

Shangguan Yun struggled vigorously, and when he met Dongfang Xi's fierce gaze, he shook his body and dared not resist anymore.

The others also stared at Shangguan Yun a few times.

Shangguan Yun looked away, his eyes filled with resentment.

"The ogre has indeed left..." The two blood men carefully recalled what happened at that time, and soon confirmed Weinan Lin Che's guess, "When we escaped, we found that the ogre had not yet reached the north. We have already turned around and left, otherwise, we would definitely not be able to escape to the south smoothly."

"The ogre left on its own?" Lin Che Weinan expressed doubts. The ogre is extremely powerful in fighting, and once it targets something, it will stalk and stalk to death.

"Yes... I left..." The two blood men nodded, their voices getting weaker and weaker, "Third Prince, we finally escaped from the ogre, please save us..."

The two bled profusely, and it felt like their lives were slowly disappearing.

Weinan Lin Che has been thinking about the ogre, and didn't pay much attention to the two blood men in front of him, "Do you know why the ogre left on its own initiative, is it too strange?"

"Third Prince, save us..." The two blood men covered their wounds, their anger flickering.

Weinan Lin Che was still frowning and thinking, but he couldn't think of a reason. When he raised his eyes, the two blood men were looking at him with desperate eyes, and their bodies were getting weaker and weaker. It's over.

"Third prince... help..." Before a complete sentence could be said, the two bloody men tilted their heads and straightened their braids.

"Dead?" There was no panic or guilt in Weinan Lin Che's eyes. He talked about their breathing, and seeing that the two had really died, he stood up slowly as if he was relieved.

Their fighting power is not much, if they save the two injured people, there will be two more burdens, he Weinan Lin Che is not so stupid.

"Third Prince, they..." Liu Cheng pursed her lips, but did not dare to continue.

"They're dead." Weinan Lin Che sighed, pretending to be sorry.

"Dead?" The women shook their bodies. They didn't expect the two-blood man to die like this. One can imagine how powerful the ogre is.

"Let's dig a random hole outside and help them prepare for their funeral." Wei Nan Lin Che was reluctant, but you still have to do enough superficial work.


(End of this chapter)

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