Chapter 687 Are You Begging Me?
"Then let's start playing." Dugu Sheng said lightly.

Baili Qinxue continued to cast her eyes on Dongfang Duo'er and the others. With a flick of her fingertips, the animal trap hidden in the grass was exposed.

Dongfang Duo'er could touch the animal trap not far away as soon as she raised her eyes, and Baili Liuxu was about to pass by the animal trap at this time.

Dongfang Duo'er rolled her eyeballs, and when she looked at the trap, her eyes were as bright as light bulbs. She curled her lips and pretended to cry out in panic.

Baili Liuxu was startled by her scream, "Miss Duoer, what's your name?"

"It's nothing, it's just..." Dongfang Duo'er trembled and said with a pale face, "Baili Liuxu, you can't go any further. There is a big colorful snake hanging in front of you..."

"What, big snake?" Baili Liuxu jumped up, only knowing that there was a big snake nearby, but completely ignored the strange light in Dongfang Duo'er's eyes.

"Yes, a multicolored snake, so scary." Dongfang Duo'er's legs trembled in fright, "Miss Baili, what should we do? How can we drive this big snake away?"

Everyone else walked ahead, only the two of them fell behind.

"Big snake..." Baili Liuxu turned pale with fright, she swallowed, hugged her head and fled, "I'm most afraid of snakes, Miss Duoer, hurry up and drive away."

The animal trap not far away gave off a faint cold light. Baili Liuxu ran around and didn't notice the animal trap in the distance. She stepped on it. She didn't understand what was going on. When he felt a stabbing pain, he was caught in the trap, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

What's going on, why can't she move?

Baili Liuxu struggled desperately, only to feel that her feet were getting more and more painful, blood, bright red blood kept flowing out, and soon stained her embroidered shoes red.

"Ah, blood—" Baili Liuxu turned pale with fright, and almost fainted.

Dongfang Duo'er turned her head and laughed a few times, then calmed down, pretending to be panicked and said: "Miss Baili, what's wrong with you, why are you bleeding so much?"

"I was caught in the trap." Baili Liuxu was so painful that her eyes were full of tears, she wished to cut off her leg to relieve the pain, but she couldn't do it, "Miss Duoer, please help me, help me!" I'll get this bear trap out of the way."

"Okay, I'll help you open it." Dongfang Duo'er bent down and broke the trap symbolically, but the trap did not move at all, "Miss Baili, I can't do it, I only have one arm and I can't use it at all. Any strength."

Baili Liuxu broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, and said all kinds of outrageous words, "You useless thing, what do you want us to do now, I'm dying of pain?"

"Useless thing?" Dongfang Duo'er slowly stood up and sneered, "Just now who begged me for this useless thing in a low voice. If you are useful, don't ask me, just save yourself."

"I..." Baili Liuxu paused, knowing that she had said the wrong thing, her face turned pale again, "Miss Duo'er, I just said the wrong thing, so you just think I'm a bitch, don't take it to heart ah."

"You mean mouth?" Dongfang Duo'er played with her fingertips, half a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, my mouth is cheap, my mouth is cheap, please help me and call the people in front to save me." Baili Liuxu was about to faint from the pain.

"You beg me?" Dongfang Duo'er continued to laugh.


(End of this chapter)

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