Chapter 691 Crawling Like a Dog!
Several people prostrated themselves on the ground and did not dare to move. Liu Cheng held the sword and tried to cut off the pile, but the pile slipped like a loach. Before Liu Cheng's sword touched it, it slipped away. Hui fought with the pile for almost half an hour, but he didn't even touch it, let alone cut it off.

Liu Cheng was out of breath, and went straight back to the ground and prostrated herself on the ground, saying: "This pile is so weird, I can't touch it at all?"

"Then what should I do?" Xilan Manyue was anxious.

"We can only..." Liu Cheng gritted his teeth, his face flushed suddenly, "We can only crawl forward on the ground..."

"What?" Dongfang Duo'er almost jumped up and said, "Isn't that just like a dog? I'm a young lady, how can I do such a rude behavior?"

Several others were also taken aback by the proposal.

A bunch of hypocrites!Liu Cheng sighed, and said impatiently: "If you don't want to do this, you can do it, then you will be shot to death by a wooden stake, or you can continue to lie down like a dog and wait for rescue, but it's still early at the moment, and I don't know what the third prince is doing. When they come back, the wooden stake will fall straight down, and they may be crushed to death, I care more about life than face, so I will take a step ahead."

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth and crawled forward.

Xilan Lu and Xilan Manyue also moved, and Baili Liuxu finally let go of her face after thinking about it for a while.

Dongfang Duo'er was lying on the ground like a dead dog, and the wooden stake above his head was like a life-threatening chain, flying back and forth above his head. If he fell directly, his head might bloom...

Dongfang Duoer swallowed, "Don't go, wait for me..."

She crawled as if she had been injected with chicken blood, but it was extremely difficult for her to get up with only one arm, and soon she was far away from them.

"Wait for me..." Dongfang Duo'er cried out in surprise, crawling up and down with all her strength.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng leaned against the tree, laughing until tears came out, Baili Qinxue rubbed the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile: "The way they crawl on the ground is so joyful that I laughed so hard, haha. "

"It's because I used wind magic to control the wooden stakes that I have such a happy scene." Dugu Sheng moved his buttocks and drew closer to her, "For my hard work, Axue give me some rewards Bar."

"What reward do you want?" The smile in Baili Qinxue's eyes never fell, it was extremely bright.

Dugu Sheng pointed to his cheek, and said rascally, "Kiss here."

His ending is upturned, which sounds very cute.

"I don't mind patting it a few times." Baili Qinxue waved her fist, but her cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dugu Sheng's lips parted, and he smiled, "Don't take pictures, my face is so pretty, are you willing to do it?"

"Naturally." Baili Qinxue jumped down from the tree.

Dugu Sheng had retracted the wind magic, and the wooden stake seemed to be broken at this moment, hanging above the big tree without moving.

Baili Qinxue walked swaggeringly in the forest, which formed a great contrast with Dongfang Duo'er and the others, "Let's go back, I'm tired of teasing them for too long."

A master is self-willed, teasing people will feel annoying!
"Then let's go." Dugu Sheng shrugged indifferently, "At this moment, they should have met Lin Che Weinan, that kid is not easy to deal with, and it would be boring to tease him any longer."


(End of this chapter)

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