Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 694 Thousands of Demonic Beasts Gather

Chapter 694 Thousands of monsters gather
The vibrations were wave after wave, and each sound became more intense. In an instant, even the palace was affected and trembled violently.

"What's going on here?" The teacup on the table almost fell to the ground, Zhao Yu quickly caught the teacup firmly, and put the teacup on the table, he couldn't help being startled by the current situation.

"The sound came from outside. If you want to know what's going on, go outside and have a look." Wei Nanzi couldn't sit still anymore, and went outside first.

Several others followed suit.

The ominous feeling in Baili Qinxue's heart became more and more intense, "Isn't it coming?"

"You'll know when you go out and have a look." With the same smile in Dugu Sheng's eyes, he took her hand and went outside.

The sky outside was extremely gloomy, dark clouds covered the sky, and the strong wind blew up the yellow sand on the ground. In an instant, the yellow sand confused people's eyes and made the scene even more chaotic.

"Bang bang—"

"Bang bang—"

The vibrating sound from the surface was exactly the same as the scene when the ogre appeared last time, as if it could shake a person's heart out.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng rushed to the gate tower and watched the situation outside carefully.

Warcraft, tens of thousands of Warcraft gathered.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help being stunned when she saw it. It wasn't ogres, but a large group of monsters?


There is no smell of rosemary around, so why would the monsters gather to attack their city?
Weird, really weird.

"It's a bit difficult to deal with so many monsters, but we can only bite the bullet." Baili Qinxue brushed his sleeves and quickly calmed down, "There are too many monsters, we must not let them enter the Inside the city, if necessary, we can go out of the city and destroy them one by one."

With so many monsters, once they enter the city, they are still very destructive, so she will not let the monsters dirty the city they just cleaned.

"That's right, we can't let them enter the city." Wei Nanzi frowned. He wanted to sleep well after hunting the monsters, but he never thought that there would be monsters to make trouble.

He was so angry that he gathered thousands of small balls around him and threw them at the monsters.


"Bang bang—"

Wherever the fireball passed, countless large pits were immediately blown out, and some monsters were hit by the fireball, and they were straight up. However, there were too many monsters outside the city, and only a small number of monsters were killed, which was not enough to weaken their strength.

And only standing on the tower, some monsters can't be hit at all, Wei Nanzi clenched his fists and was a little annoyed.

Xuanyuan Po squinted his eyes, and flew down directly, the magic in his hands was continuously condensed and released, and he had already hunted and killed countless monsters in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Xuanyuan Po flying down, the rest of the people also descended from the city. Zhao Yu originally wanted to follow, but thinking that his own ability was not enough, he should stand behind and heal them.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu condensed healing magic in his hands, and white light continuously bloomed between his palms in an instant, forming an incomparably huge halo that enveloped the group of people below. When enveloped by the light, his whole body felt extremely refreshed and full of strength.

With Zhao Yu behind him as support, hunting these monsters is also more effective.

The demonic beasts in front of me did not know why they came together. There were low-level ones and high-level ones, but they were all extremely ferocious, as if they were being dominated by something, they would not back down until they achieved their goals, just like death squads.


(End of this chapter)

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