Chapter 699 Make a battle plan!

"Don't be careless." Xuanyuan Po glanced at him, then flew back to the tower.

"That's right." Zhao Yu nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Po had returned to the city, several other people also flew on them. They ate and drank what they should eat and drink, and their behavior was the same as usual, but the atmosphere was always dull and dead, maybe it was Baili Qinxue. Because of absence.

By the way, Baili Qinxue was staying in the space torn apart by the ogre at this time.

This is a mysterious place isolated from the world and unable to contact the outside world.

The sky is filled with yellow sand, and there is not a single living thing within a hundred miles. It is even more desolate and hot than the northern part of the Besieged City.

Baili Qinxue didn't dare to act rashly. After all, this is a strange and dangerous place. The ogre who tore apart the space is also missing at the moment. It may be lurking somewhere, waiting for her to come to her door.

"Damn it..." Baili Qinxue cursed, she was still hunting monsters with her companions, and now she is the only one who has been brought to such a ghostly place, there is no one to discuss countermeasures.

She frowned and thought for a while, then summoned the second fire in the space.

As soon as Er Huo was released, he hurriedly wandered happily, and when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, his body couldn't help but tremble.

This place is so weird, isn't it the space that the ogre tore apart...

"Hoho——" How did the great summoner provoke the ogre, and he was brought to such a ghostly place?
"We didn't provoke the ogre, it came to provoke us." Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, "It suddenly tore open a space with its bare hands, and then brought me in, and I don't know what its purpose is. "

Er Huo stood obediently beside Baili Qinxue, and was quite afraid of the space in front of him.

"Hoho—" You have to break this space to get out, blah blah.

Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes, "This space was created by the ogre. If you want to break this space, you must defeat the ogre, right?"

Er Huokang nodded, the great Summoner is really smart enough to understand with just one click.

Baili Qinxue flattened her mouth. This is easier said than done. After all, the ogre is a monster that has lived for thousands of years. It must have accumulated a lot of wisdom and tactics. It is very difficult to defeat it. Disaster.

"Hoho—" Erhuo kept circling around Baili Qinxue, probably to comfort her.

Baili Qinxue stroked Erhuo's head and said with a smile, "It's a good thing you're here, otherwise I'd be alone, and I wouldn't feel very well."

Thousands of little snakes and little beasts in her space suddenly became restless, why are there two fires, are they also okay?
"It's a good thing you are here. Is this the head office?" Baili Qinxue bent her lips and smiled, the uneasiness in her heart had already been dispelled. Since she has been sent to this ghostly place, she will definitely not be able to get out if she doesn't do anything. If you want to get out, you must single out the ogre.

When the little things in the space heard what she said, they immediately stopped restless.

Once the restlessness stopped, her ears became much cleaner.

She sat cross-legged on the sand, only thinking about making a battle plan. The ogre is very powerful, and she has fully understood it during the battle just now. Therefore, if you want to compete with the ogre, you must have enough pills. There is also absolutely strong strength.

But her strength is not too strong, so she must formulate a corresponding battle plan.

Baili Qinxue sat on the sand and devised several battle plans.


(End of this chapter)

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