Chapter 708 Seven Days of Change

Unable to find the magic beast key, Baili Qinxue could only sit cross-legged and continue to think of new battle plans.

This place is surrounded by yellow sand, and there are very few external resources that can be used for fighting. It can be said that there are none at all. It is impossible for her to use external resources to opportunistically.

If you can't use things from the outside world, you can only fight hard.

Fighting for strength, fighting for skills, constantly accumulating experience in the battle, enhancing strength, Baili Qinxue took a deep breath after making up her mind, and prepared to sleep peacefully, and then challenge the ogre tomorrow.

On the second day, Baili Qinxue found the ogre.

This time the ogre tried its best to protect the sky cap. It was obvious that yesterday's blow had left the ogre with lingering fears. If it hit its sky cap hard again, it would most likely lose its head.

While being abused, Baili Qinxue also gained a lot of combat experience.

A few days later, Baili Qinxue has been challenging the ogre these few days, but she always fails repeatedly, and the ogre is also confused. Disappear, no matter how it responds, it still can't catch her, it's just hateful!
It doesn't remember that human beings can disappear and then reappear, and it's the kind of resurrection with full blood...

Damn, it was sent by God to tease it.

The ogre expressed that he was very sad, and it was so worrying to eat a human being.

Just when it was sad, Baili Qinxue came to challenge with Erhuo again. In just a few days, it could feel that her strength was getting stronger little by little, and it was itself that made her stronger.

Damn it, it is not a legendary sparring partner, cunning human beings dare to use it.

"Cunning human..." The ogre gritted its teeth and stared at Baili Qinxue. It must eat her today.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing. Compared with the first time she came to this ghost place, she is more calm and firm today. It may be because she has been abused frequently and gained combat experience in the past few days.

All this is due to her own space, otherwise, she would have died countless times.

"Ogre, I'm here to challenge you again today." The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips curled up slightly, and a radiance bloomed in her eyes.

"Human, how many times is this the first time?" The ogre chuckled, mocking her for being overwhelmed.

"This should be..." After Baili Qinxue paused, he bent his lips and smiled, "It's the seventh day."

For seven days, for seven whole days, she endured pain, bleeding, and the fear of rolling on the verge of death. This is not something ordinary people can endure, but she endured it completely, and the more she poked, the more courageous she was, and her strength became stronger and stronger .

She was originally a pearl, but she was still a dusty pearl. At this moment, the corner of the dusty pearl had been polished, shining an incomparably dazzling light.

When all the dust has settled, what kind of splendor should it be?
The ogre was taken aback by the brilliance emanating from her body, and it said sourly: "As expected of a summoner, you have become more and more different these days, but the more different you are, the more delicious you are. Today, no matter what Eat you up."

Baili Qinxue showed no signs of fear.

If she was afraid, she could just hide in the ultimate space and not come out, and she would not be starved to death if she stayed for a lifetime, but she still had a lot of things to do, and she must not be held back by the little setbacks in front of her.

She's going out, she's going to meet them, she's going on a fantasy treasure hunt.

Speaking of treasure hunting in the illusion, today should be the deadline...


(End of this chapter)

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