Chapter 711 The showman!

The egg was still chattering, when Baili Qinxue heard a strange sound.



Baili Qinxue looked up, and saw that the egg was cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye. When it was completely cracked, a dazzling red light flashed inside the eggshell.

The red light is so dazzling that it almost blinds people's eyes.

What is this coming out?
When the red light dissipated, Baili Qinxue opened her eyes, and saw a man standing in front of her, a strange man with strange clothes, good face and shining red hair.

The man stood quietly, his long and narrow dark red eyes carried an unruly smile, his thin lips were slightly raised, his brows were frivolous, his every move was like his smile, arrogant and unruly.

It was only then that Baili Qinxue realized that this man was red from head to toe. She had always thought that Dugu Sheng was flirtatious enough to wear red all the time, but it was obvious that there was an even more flirtatious man today.

"My uncle knows that he is a handsome man..." He brushed his long red hair on his shoulders, took out a small mirror from nowhere, and looked at his face from left to right, "Oh, hello, Ben Uncle knows that he is handsome and invincible, no wonder it makes you look crazy."

This guy is not only coquettish, but also narcissistic.

Compared with him, Dugu Sheng is not so normal.

"You are that egg." Baili Qinxue said with certainty.She never thought that what hatched from the egg was not a chick, not a duckling, not that kind of monster with blue face and fangs, but a narcissistic handsome man?
"What is that egg, I'm handsome and invincible, I just slept in it and waited for it to hatch." The man waved his hand and said with disgust: "However, I have to thank you, your space is really awesome Absolutely, it will take ten years for me to hatch, but after absorbing the aura of your space, I will be hatched in just a few months, hahaha..."

It turned out that it was due to her space, Baili Qinxue found it inconceivable.

"You got the key to the magic beast in the space?" Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

"It's quite smart." The man played with the long hair on his shoulders. "I saw that the book was not bad, so I took the initiative to learn the above skills. I didn't expect that the skill book disappeared as soon as I learned it."

The man spread his hands, saying that he just learned it and didn't take it.

"This means that the magic beast secret can only be used once..." Baili Qinxue felt a little cheated, she thought it could be used unlimited times, "By the way, what breed are you?"

"Guess?" The man glanced at her, the two personalities of narcissism and rebelliousness combined, which seemed quite contradictory.

"Boring." Baili Qinxue pointed to the ogre in front of her, and said, "Can you fight the ogre with me, just to try the power of hellfire?"

The man blinked his dark red eyes, stared at Baili Qinxue for a moment, and said, "Fight? It will stain your clothes, it's not beautiful."

Baili Qinxue let out a chuckle, and what she met this time was not a normal guy, it was interesting.

"You came out of the space with such a big thorn, didn't you want to help me?" Baili Qinxue stood facing the wind, her snow-white clothes were already stained with a lot of blood red, and she looked extremely coquettish.

When the man met her clear and smiling eyes, he felt a coldness gradually spread in them.

In the past few months, although he has been in the egg, he can clearly see the growth of this woman.


(End of this chapter)

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