Chapter 714 Divine Fire+? =?

"The flame of the hateful human beings is... divine fire..." The ogre suddenly widened its eyes, looked at the man over there, and said with trembling lips: "Your fire plus divine fire..."

"Of course it will be very good." The man glanced at it with disgust.

"You actually helped humans..." the ogre was furious.

The man shrugged, leaned against the rock and said nothing.

When Baili Qinxue moved the hilt of her sword, she felt that her fingertips were so light that she lost all gravity.

Immediately after...

"Bang bang bang——" There were several sounds of rocks breaking, and the long sword in her hand had penetrated deeper into the ogre's sky cap, and she could still penetrate deeper if she wanted to.

The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips hooked slightly, and the corner of her eyes was stained with residual blood, "Ogre, I've chopped your sky cap to pieces, I don't know if you can still live."

The ogre roared terribly, but Baili Qinxue was not moved at all. With a movement of her fingertips, the long sword seemed to be able to penetrate directly through its abdomen through the Tianling Cap.

"You are so hateful, so hateful..." The ogre finally lost his strength after screaming a few times, allowing himself to be devoured and burned to death by the raging fire.

Baili Qinxue flew down, and the raging fire was burning and tearing in front of her eyes, but she didn't show any emotion on her face.

The moment she turned around...

Only a loud noise was heard, and when the loud noise disappeared, Baili Qinxue saw the scenery in the north of the besieged city. Although the sky was full of yellow sand and was almost the same as the mysterious space, there was vitality and the air was good. , is completely different from the mysterious space.

"Come out?" Baili Qinxue was a little surprised.

"It doesn't feel good to see the scenery in the eggshell." The scene in front of him was bleak, and the man's brows and eyes were frowned, with disgust in his eyes. "At this moment, it's even more uncomfortable to experience the scenery here in person."

The man took out the small mirror, curled his long red hair, and sighed: "The wind and sand are so strong here, and if this continues, my beautiful hair will be contaminated by the wind and sand. Thinking about it, I feel so disgusted."

Coquettish narcissistic man!

The man stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Baili Qinxue by the collar, and said, "Send me to your space quickly, that is the paradise on earth."

It was only after getting close that Baili Qinxue realized that its red eyes were like flowing blood, beautiful and strange.

"You can come out by yourself, why not go in?" Baili Qinxue didn't care about its rude behavior.

The man let out a "tch" and complained: "You must be jealous of my uncle's beauty in that space, you can only go out but not in, it's just hateful."

"I see." Baili Qinxue smiled.

Seeing her bright smile, the man's anger for no reason seemed to be underestimated, "What are you looking at, my uncle's flames can make no grass grow in a radius of a hundred miles, this uncle is amazing, send me in quickly..."

Heh, this guy, she didn't say anything, it's not powerful.

"Let go of me quickly," Baili Qinxue's thin lips hooked lightly, and her eyes, which were still stained with a smile, turned suddenly, and a trace of coldness came out. For some reason, the man let go of her hand suddenly, and really let her go up.

"So cute." Baili Qinxue hid the coldness in her eyes and said with a smile, "Tell me what breed you are?"

This woman turned her face faster than she turned a book, Fang Gang was taken aback by the coldness in her eyes at that moment, it was so embarrassing...

"Guess." The man folded his arms around his chest.

It can directly transform into a human form, it should be in the category of divine beasts, look at its red body, is it some kind of flame beast?


(End of this chapter)

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