Chapter 716 Contract contract!

"That piece of black placed next to me." Chi Yao waved his hand and said: "These are trivial things, as long as I can let me stay in the space to practice, no matter how many pieces of black iron come, I will help you temper it." Practiced."

"If that's the case, that would be great." Baili Qinxue chuckled lightly, not feeling overly excited about contracting a master divine beast.

Asshole woman, why don't you get a little excited?
Chi Yao became irritable again for no reason, and he shouted: "Hurry up and make a contract, my uncle wants to go to the space, this ghost place is not suitable for me."

"Okay, you squat down a little bit." This guy is really too tall.

Chi Yao bent down according to the words, Baili Qinxue bit his finger, and dripped blood on his forehead.

A ray of light flashed and the contract was completed, and Baili Qinxue and Chi Yao also had a slight connection.

The master is powerful, and as a contracted beast, he will also get the corresponding power. Chi Yao felt the large amount of power pouring into his body, and his eyes couldn't help but light up. It knew that this woman was powerful, but he didn't expect to get so much power after contracting with her.

Coupled with her space, it is guaranteed to make money without losing money, haha.

Chi Yao was enjoying himself, completely unaware that he was being tricked by Baili Qinxue.

"Are you entering the space now?" Baili Qinxue asked.

Chi Yao nodded fiercely, Baili Qinxue waved his sleeve, and Chi Yao and Er Huo disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Chiyao disappeared, Baili Qinxue hooked her lips, and the smile in her eyes became more and more intense. Unexpectedly, she played a trick of playing hard to get, and the Master Divine Beast obediently took the bait. It was really interesting.

However, if she hadn't heard it say that she loves her own space, she would not have thought of this trick.

Baili Qinxue walked briskly, and the city was already close in front of her eyes.

As soon as she walked to the gate of the city, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit unusual, the gate was still wide open, what's going on, what kind of noble person is she going to welcome?

Baili Qinxue brushed her hair, and jumped into the city with doubts.

The city is very quiet, there is the breath of Zhao Yu and the others, and the smell of some strangers, but it is also very familiar.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, what are those people doing in their city?
Could it be that the sky has changed during the seven days she was away?

Baili Qinxue seemed to know where they were, and flew into the palace with ease, but did not enter the hall in a hurry, but hid on the eaves and listened secretly.

In the main hall, Dugu Sheng seemed to have sensed something, and looked up at the roof calmly, smiling a lot.

He knows...

Baili Qinxue carefully lifted a brick, and when she saw it, her eyes narrowed.

It really is a person from the south who came, so I don't know what kind of moths will come out.

"Brother Wang, did you have an answer today to what we said a few days ago?" There was no tea in the palace, only fresh water that was brought in, and Wei Nan Lin Che refused to drink it in disgust.

"..." Wei Nanzi frowned, "It's none of my business, as long as they agree."

Dig the grass!His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Southern Continent is really rude...

Wei Nan Lin Che was taken aback, his face was a little ugly.

Lin Fenglie, who was sitting on the right side, smiled and sarcastically said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Southern Continent, does he not even have the right to speak in other teams, or is it Mr. Xuanyuan or President Mu Liu in your team?" maximum?"

Wei Nanzi just thought it was a fly screaming, and didn't feel anything at all.

The rest didn't take them to heart.

After a while, Mu Liu laughed and said, "We don't talk about power or status here. We are all friends. In order to respect each other, we naturally have to consider everyone's opinions."


(End of this chapter)

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