Chapter 724 We don't need thanks

Dongfang Duo'er opened his mouth wide, but didn't close it for a while.

The faces of the other people were also a little ugly. They thought that they would be far ahead in the south, but the north took the lead, and they were only one goddamn ahead.

"How could this be? Could it be a wrong count..." Thinking of what she had done, Dongfang Duoer was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

Dongfang Xi quickly grabbed her, and in front of Mr. Lin, she must not let her lose face.

"How could the number of disciples sent by Mr. Lin be wrong? Don't make trouble for nothing."

His eyes were so sharp that Dongfang Duo'er dared not speak nonsense anymore.

Weinan Lin Che couldn't maintain the smile on his face any longer, so he walked away with a flick of his sleeves. There were 560 of them, maybe it was on purpose...

When the others saw him leave, they all left one after another.

The final winner of the offensive and defensive battle is undoubtedly the people in the north, but the people in the south are not bad, and naturally they also got the opportunity to enter the illusion to hunt for treasure.

Baili Qinxue was not surprised by such a result, but it was really interesting to make people in the south feel embarrassed and change their faces.

"Little sister, your move just now was brilliant." Zhao Yu praised.

Lin Wanwan and Wei Nanzi nodded quickly.

The four thieves and Little Pink had already covered their bellies, laughing hard.

"Miss Axue is really clever, and she always likes to lead by one." This is true for selling things, and it is also the same for this time's Warcraft, Mu Liu smiled from ear to ear.

"It's because they are too arrogant..." Baili Qinxue walked back, "I couldn't help but want to bully, and we hunted too many monsters, which might cause trouble."

Some of the monsters were attracted by ogres, just like cheating.

"It's thoughtful." Xuanyuan Po raised his eyelids, and his eyes softened instantly.

Dugu Sheng glanced at him, but said nothing.

Walking back to the house, Baili Qinxue separated from them.

She didn't go back to the house for ten days, and she always felt very cordial. Baili Qinxue threw herself on the wooden bed and rubbed her face against the pillow, "It's still comfortable in my own house, and I always feel like I'm sleeping on the wooden bed in the palace." Panic."

Dugu Sheng sat on the side of the bed, with a bewitching voice, "I'll use it as a cushion for A Xue, so I won't be in a panic."

Little Pink covered her face, oh my god, so shameless.

Baili Qinxue ignored him, lying on the pillow ready to pretend to be dead, Dugu Sheng stroked her hair with his hands, and said with a smile: "These seven days when A Xue was away, I always felt like years, and wanted to go out several times Looking for you."

She pricked up her ears, ready to listen.

"But..." Dugu Sheng pursed her lips, and her figure was reflected in her shining eyes, "I knew that Axue would find a way to escape, so I stopped in my tracks and waited for your return."

This word...

How to put it so blushingly.

Baili Qinxue buried her head in the pillow, and said softly, "Your actions are correct, and thank you for your trust..."

Dugu Sheng's eyes darkened slightly, "There is no need for thank you between us."

Baili Qinxue was startled for a moment, then burst into a smile, secretly showing her small face and said with a smile: "Then I will not talk about it in the future."

Dugu Sheng was stunned, and then smiled again.

"These days, the people of the three major families are too leisurely, and there will always be one or two people who come out and yell. It seems that Dongfang Duo'er and Baili Liuxu are not fighting fiercely." Baili Qinxue hugged He sat up and said, "Let them fight like playing house first, and I'll get rid of Shangguan Yun first."

"How do you want to play?" Dugu Sheng leaned forward, very interesting.


(End of this chapter)

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