Chapter 732 squeeze him dry
Oh my god, she guessed it right.

Really great.

"You really guessed it right." Shangguan Yun blinked Xiaodou's eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yes, I should go back and talk to Dad, if Dad hears such a good solution, he will definitely be happy accept."

"What if the head of the Shangguan family doesn't dare to take risks?" Baili Qinxue asked with a frown.

"No way..." Shangguan Yun flattened his lips, "Then I can only..."

"Shangguan Patriarch is old and naturally dare not take risks, but Mr. Shangguan is a young man. If young people dare not take risks, wouldn't it be a waste of life?" Dugu Sheng tapped the table with his hands, and said in a deep voice: "People Living a life should not be mediocre, but need to do some vigorous things, Mr. Shangguan is still young, is it possible that this heart is already old?"

The mouth is so poisonous...

"I'm still young." Shangguan Yun looked very ugly as if swallowing a fly, "If my father disagrees, I'll steal the gold coins and do some spectacular things, so I won't let this Live forever."

Sure enough, it's an idiot, so I can't hold back when I'm stimulated.

Baili Qinxue smiled, "Mr. Shangguan is indeed a hero, he dares to take risks, and he will definitely do something in the future."

"That's natural." Shangguan Yun was triumphant.

Baili Qinxue bowed her head, her smile was gloomy, she will take the Shangguan family into her pocket in a few days, and Shangguan Yun and the head of the Shangguan family will become the bottom ants of this era.

After being squeezed out of gold coins, he will never stand up again.

A gust of wind was blowing outside, Shangguan Yun only felt that the pores of his body were surprisingly cold, but he didn't know where this chill came from.

"The window is still open, Mr. Shangguan, is it cold?" Baili Qinxue asked with a smile.

"It's a hot day, how could you feel the cold." Shangguan Yun's face was slightly red, and he argued: "The food is getting cold, everyone, eat the vegetables, eat the vegetables quickly."

After finishing the meal, Shangguan Yun stood up and said goodbye.

Baili Qinxue looked at the direction in which he was leaving, with a strange arc on the corner of her mouth.

"Letting Shangguanyun do this is also benefiting the common people, allowing them to earn more gold coins from it." Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, her eyebrows frivolous, "It's not that the boy was short of gold coins just now. It can make him earn more, and it can be regarded as an expression of our apology for not helping."

"Axue is kind." Dugu Sheng looked at her eagerly.


This is clearly shrewdness, killing people invisible.

"Shangguan Yun is about to die." Zhao Yu muttered.

When Shangguan Yun returned to the house, he asked the housekeeper where the Patriarch Shangguan was. Hearing that he was in the hall, he immediately ran towards the hall.

"Daddy, I'm back."

Patriarch Shangguan was sitting on a chair drinking tea, when he heard the voice he hurriedly laughed and said, "My dear son is back, tell me what you can gain from going to the field today?"

"Great harvest, great harvest." Shangguan Yun sat beside him, drank a few sips of water before saying, "Daddy, I thought of a good way for what you said."

Is the stupid son enlightened?

Patriarch Shangguan was overjoyed and asked repeatedly: "Tell me quickly, what can you do."

"Daddy, the current situation is that medicinal herbs are easy to sell, and grain is the most common and popular, and it can't be sold much at all. Therefore, you can't earn much gold coins from growing grain." Shangguan Yun said Baili Qinxue's words in one word He said it all out, "And we grow food in good fields, and we grow herbs that are worse than them, so it's not worth it."


(End of this chapter)

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