Chapter 738 Little Black...

Patriarch Shangguan said again: "30 gold coins should be enough, let him mess around with these gold coins, I want to see what he can come up with."

"Patriarch, let's rest in peace for a few days."

The housekeeper closed the door and went out.

It was late at night, Baili Qinxue and the others did not return to the academy, but found an inn to stay.

Before they went back to rest, they were all huddled together, as if they were waiting for some news. At this time, there was movement outside...

"Whoosh whoosh—"

A small black shadow came in from the window.

"What's Shangguan Yun doing? Is there any big movement in Shangguan's house?" Baili Qinxue looked at the person coming.

The lone wolf took off the black veil, leaned against the window and said, "Shangguan Yun, that idiot, asked his father for money as soon as he got home, but if his father didn't give it, he went straight to the cashier's room, and even injured the housekeeper and even robbed the gold coins. I went to the gambling house to gamble a few more times, and then leisurely went to the field, and according to what the boss said, he directly gave a few instructions to the people."

"The common people are not making trouble?" Baili Qinxue asked with a smile.

"It's so noisy." The lone wolf picked out his ears and said with a smile: "The people threw away their hoes and went on strike one after another. Shangguan Yun had no choice but to add ten gold coins to each person, so the people stopped making trouble."

"Knowing how to buy people's hearts with gold coins is not a big fool, haha." Dugu Sheng shook the tea, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw tea stems floating on the water.

"Then what happened?" Zhao Yu couldn't wait to ask: "After his father found out, didn't he die of anger?"

"I fainted from anger, but I didn't die." The lone wolf felt funny when he thought of the scene at that time, "Shangguan's house quickly became a mess, and Shangguan Yun's idiot took advantage of the chaos to go to the accountant to get 20 gold coins. The owner of Shangguan knew After that, he almost died of anger, and hid the remaining gold coins in his house, so that the prodigal son would not get them."

A few people listened with gusto like listening to a book.

"It's fun, Lone Wolf, keep talking, ahaha." Feng Ren smiled directly and lay down on the table.

"It's over, there is no follow-up." Lone Wolf spread his hands.

It's gone...

Several people looked confused.

"We won't go back to the academy these days. The offensive and defensive battle is over. Mr. Lin is sympathetic to the students and tells them to rest for a few days. Then we will rest in Xuanwu City." Baili Qinxue looked out the window with gloomy eyes , "Lone wolf, you continue to watch Shangguan Yun's actions, if there is any change, just tell us."

"It's the boss." The lone wolf laughed, he liked peeping the most.

"Xuexue, what about us?" Little Pink asked.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyelids, "Sit and wait."


Waiting for Shangguan Yun to take the bait?
"It's just what you think..." Baili Qinxue laughed, her voice low.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and a gleam of moonlight penetrates from the window, bringing a bit of coolness.

Several people quickly returned to the house, ready to go to bed.

In the clear morning, before dawn, Shangguan Yun got up and went to the casino.

Now that he has gold coins, he can spend them however he wants.

He bet all the small bets today, and he really won a lot of gold coins. He was full of joy, and hugged the gold coins and kissed them fiercely.

At this time, there were more and more people in the casino.

Seeing that it was still early, Shangguan Yun wanted to win a few more rounds, so he didn't leave. At this moment...

A small black face came into his eyes.

Little black face, that little black who lied to him about the deed of the house?
It didn't take much effort to get here, Shangguan Yun pushed aside the crowd and ran up, but the kid slid like a loach, and disappeared immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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