Chapter 751 Idiot son, finally smart
Shangguan Yun nodded hurriedly, and the housekeeper took his hand away.

"But why did my father call me back in such a hurry?" Shangguan Yun frowned, "I was doing something important just now, and the things on the field cannot be delayed."

Returning the fields... It is estimated that everything will be gone in a while.

"Young Master, you'll know when you go in." The butler sighed, with a somewhat unsightly look on his face.

Shangguan Yun was suspicious, shook his sleeves, and walked in swaggeringly, "Father, what do you want from me, tell me quickly, I still have important things to do."

"Do your big shit." Patriarch Shangguan slapped the table angrily, and swears directly, "Go and see who is sitting over there, you should understand what happened, right?"

Shangguan Yun looked sideways, and his mouth couldn't help opening.

It turned out to be Xiao Hei, and the masked man.

What are they coming for?
"Xiao Hei, why did you come to my Shangguan's house?" Shangguan Yun clenched his fingertips tightly, and then thought of the heavy security outside the hall, he suddenly had a bad feeling, "Xiao Hei, you probably didn't come to see me to catch up... "

"They are here to collect debts." Patriarch Shangguan held his breath and had nowhere to send it, and almost fainted again.

"Debt collection..." Shangguan Yun swallowed, and saw a piece of paper pressed on the table, he would recognize that piece of paper even if it was turned into ashes, and she actually took out the signed paper?
So, his father also knows?

Immediately after...

He also saw a brocade box on the table, which was empty.

Shangguan Yun's head exploded with a bang, his only thought now was that he was about to finish the game, "Xiao Hei, why did you show all these things to my father, didn't you say that you would give me a few days' grace?"

"I suddenly felt that it would be better to take away all the house, shop and field if I just took a few gold coins." Earn a lot of gold coins infinitely, how cost-effective, isn't it?"

"You actually framed me." Shangguan Yun's eyes widened, "Your purpose from the beginning was the deed of my Shangguan's house..."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and blinked in surprise, "Idiot, you're finally smart once."

"You..." Shangguan became angry.

"Xiao Hei, are you really going to take away all the belongings of Shangguan's family today?" Seeing that the prodigal son is useless, the head of Shangguan's family hurriedly stood up and wanted to take charge of the overall situation.

"Since you have these things, don't let them go for nothing." Baili Qinxue tilted her head, looking like a ruffian.

Seeing that there was no room for negotiation, Shangguan's Patriarch suddenly sneered and said, "Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude, and let everyone outside come in."

He clapped his hands, and suddenly dozens of young men with sticks rushed in.

The boys directly picked up their sticks and attacked the two of them.

"Out of control."

Baili Qinxue sneered and sat there without moving.

Dugu Sheng's figure was like a ghost, shuttling back and forth between the gaps.

Patriarch Shangguan only saw an afterimage flashing back and forth in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see anything else clearly. He was a little anxious, and shouted: "You should fight quickly, I didn't see him slipping like a loach, and that little boy Didn't Hei just sit quietly, you guys go up and beat her..."

As soon as the words fell, Dugu Sheng stood facing the wind, and those dozens of young servants all fell to the ground.

In order to prevent future troubles, he did not leave a single one alive.


(End of this chapter)

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