Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 758 Prepare to Burn Some Paper for Her

Chapter 758 Prepare to Burn Some Paper for Her

"It's true..." Baili Liuxu peeked behind her, and seeing no one said, "I was the one who injured that little bitch, and then the fifth-level monster came, and that little bitch must have been torn into pieces." gone."

Dongfang Duoer blinked her eyes in surprise, and said: "I can't are quite poisonous, but she is your half-sister."

"So what about my half-sister, I hate her arrogant and condescending look the most." Baili Liuxu didn't consider Murong Qing's presence, and said to herself, "And Baili's family was also destroyed. There is no family relationship with her anymore."

"I really feel sad for your sister." Shangguan Duo'er chuckled, "In the end, I didn't die at the hands of others, but was indirectly killed by my own sister. If I were Baili Qinxue, I would come even if I turned into a ghost. I'm looking for your life."

Baili Liuxu was startled by her, and her goosebumps came out, "You...don't talk nonsense, there is nothing wrong with this world..."

"Then what are you afraid of?" Dongfang Duo'er deliberately ran on her.

"I..." Baili Liuxu pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Okay, you two can stop talking." Murong Qing rubbed his temples feebly, and said, "I'm talking about Shangguan's family, why are you talking about old things?"

Dongfang Xi glared at Dongfang Duo'er and told her to stop talking.

Dongfang Duo'er pursed her lips and shut up immediately.

"Then what do you think is the reason for the downfall of the Shangguan family?" Baili Liuxu was a little uneasy. It couldn't really be the ghost of Baili Qinxue...

She was going to burn some paper for her at night.

"Of course it's because Shangguan Yun is a gambler, and it will be a matter of time before that idiot loses his family business." Dongfang Xi sneered, he was already at odds with Shangguan Yun, but now he agrees.

"I don't know where to escape?" Murong Qing held his chin.

"Probably hiding in a deep alley, afraid to come out to meet people." Dongfang Xi smiled.

Baili Liuxu was in a trance, and always felt that there were two eyes staring at her in the dark, the eyes were so intense that it made people feel timid.

She couldn't help looking behind her, but there was no one behind her...

"Miss Baili, your complexion seems a little ugly." Dongfang Xi noticed her complexion.

Dongfang Duo'er laughed out loud, "I guess I had a ghost in my heart."

"I..." Baili Liuxu pursed her lips and said nothing.

"I don't believe that there are ghosts in this world, and the downfall of the Shangguan family is also due to Shangguan Yun. Don't listen to the nonsense of the common people." Murong Qing looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but tense, "It's all about this." It's time, go back, go back..."

He got up and left.

The others also got up one after another, wanting to leave.

Baili Liuxu always felt hairy in her heart, so she didn't dare to go back to her house, but called a carriage to go back to Xuanwu City.

In Xuanwu City, rumors about Shangguan's family spread all over the sky, and they were said in a very mysterious way. All ghosts and snakes were mentioned. Baili Liuxu rubbed his arms and returned to Murong's house.

At this time, Patriarch Murong was sitting on the rocking chair, closing his eyes and resting.

With a sallow complexion and a tired look, it seems that he did not miss those things at night.

Baili Liuxu walked past him with light steps.

"Liu Xu, are you back today?" Patriarch Murong was not sound asleep, but woke up when he felt someone passing by, his eyes lit up when he saw Baili Liu Xu, and he immediately stood up.


(End of this chapter)

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