Chapter 760 There Are... Ghosts...

"Don't eat, there are still many things to do in the academy, and my brother is also in the academy..." Baili Liuxu covered her face, her eyes were full of spring.

The second lady understood what she meant, and hurriedly said: "Then you go back quickly, lest you leave for too long and let that little bitch Dongfang Duoer take advantage of it."

Sneak in...

Baili Liuxu gritted her teeth, her eyes suddenly changed.

The second lady called a carriage for her, and Baili Liuxu sat on it with her skirt lifted.

The carriage quickly returned to Xiling College, it was already late at night, Baili Liuxu wanted to find Murong Qing, but found that he had already fallen asleep, she leaned against the door and listened intently, but did not hear any strange sounds .

That is to say, Murong Qing was really asleep and did not do dirty things with Dongfang Duo'er.

Baili Liuxu's hanging heart finally relaxed, she rested in the house for a while, and when it got dark again, she went out lightly.

At this time, everyone fell asleep, and the academy was extremely quiet.

Baili Liuxu came to the remote place of the college and took out a copper basin, some paper money and incense candles to burn for her.

When the fire is ignited, there is a sound of "呵呵呵啦".

Baili Liuxu threw the paper money into the copper basin, and the flames shot up high in an instant, startling her.

The college at night looked like a monster with teeth and claws, Baili Liuxu swallowed, and said to himself several times that there are no monsters and ghosts, and then he relaxed.

But at this time...

A small black figure flew past her eyes, accompanied by a shrill meow.

Baili Liuxu was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, only to realize that the black shadow that ran past just now was a cat, or a cat with green eyes, which was very weird and frightening.

"What, the dead cat dares to scare me..."

Baili Liuxu cursed and quickly stood up from the ground.Before the paper money in the copper basin was completely burned, Baili catkins were added to it, and in a short while, the flames shot up again, and it was extremely hot.

Baili Liuxu looked at the raging fire, and in a trance, saw Baili Qinxue's figure in the flames...

"Ah—" she screamed, and immediately covered her mouth again.

When she looked at the copper basin again, she realized that everything was her own illusion. Just when she wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, a gust of wind blew over.

"Hua hua hua-" actually blown all the paper money on the ground to the ground, and some of them were still floating in the air, feeling like a mourning hall...

Baili Liuxu's eyes widened suddenly, a chill rushed from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, and suddenly another pair of invisible hands clasped her throat, suppressing her breathing.

She wanted to struggle, to escape, but her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't move.

At this time, the firelight reflected on her face, making her face as pale as paper and extremely hideous.

"Baili Qinxue, I know it's you. Even if you become a ghost, you are still so uneasy. Your life was killed by a fifth-order monster. It has nothing to do with me. If you want to find it, go find the fifth-order monster... ..." Baili Liuxu yelled in fright, and rolled around in the mud a few times.

Another gust of wind blew, bringing a biting chill.

"Baili Qinxue, what did you come to me for? Could it be that you can't beat a fifth-order monster and want to find a soft persimmon? Even if you are a ghost, you are so shameless..." Baili Liuxu was so angry that his tongue was tied.

At this moment……

A hand slowly stretched out under the moonlight, and placed it on the top of Baili Liuxu's head to caress.

Baili Liuxu's body froze, her eyes were like copper bells, and her body was cooling down bit by bit...


(End of this chapter)

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