Chapter 762 You Two Devils...

Baili Liuxu hit the ground with her head, mud and grass clippings almost got into her mouth, she shut her mouth and shook her head violently.

Baili Qinxue clasped her wrist tightly, her voice was as terrifying as a ghost, "Don't try to play tricks on us, although we are men, we don't feel pity for women who commit crimes. Make her life worse than death..."

"Don't try to escape, because you can't escape at all." Dugu Sheng lifted her thin lips, and the cold words were washed away under the moonlight.

It's scary, these two are devils...

Baili Liuxu broke into a cold sweat and nodded repeatedly.

"Why do you just nod and don't speak? Are you looking down on us and unwilling to talk to us?" Baili Qinxue strengthened her hands a little, and she said again: "It's no wonder, you are Miss Qianjin, and we live in the last People at the bottom, of course you don't want to talk to us..."

Baili Liuxu gritted her teeth in pain, not because she refused to speak, but because...

"I understand, I understand, I won't try to escape again, please let me go." As soon as she opened her mouth, she swallowed a few mouthfuls of mud, but she choked to death.

Baili Qinxue let her go with satisfaction.

As soon as he was released, Baili Liuxu coughed a few times while supporting the tree trunk beside him, and tried to dig out the dirt that had been swallowed into his mouth, "Ah bah, ah bah, it's so unpalatable..."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, and they both saw the smile in each other's eyes.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Baili Liuxu leaned weakly against the tree trunk.

At that time, the paper money in the copper basin had been burned completely, and the surroundings suddenly turned black, only the brilliance emitted by the moon could slightly illuminate the place.

"We didn't want to do anything, we just came over when we heard Miss Baili's cry." Baili Qinxue stepped forward and took a few steps forward.

Baili Liuxu backed away in fright, "Really..."

"And... I just want to tell you that Dongfang Duo'er is in Murong Qing's room." After the fluttering voice fell, Baili Qinxue returned to stand beside Dugu Sheng.

"In my brother's room?"

Baili Liuxu was dumbfounded. She just stood outside Murong Qing's room and didn't hear any strange sounds at all. It's impossible for Dongfang Duoer to be there?
"Don't believe me?" Dugu Sheng asked with a smile.

Baili Liuxu bit her lip and said nothing.

"If you don't believe me, then check it yourself. We have brought you our words, but we don't want you to be kept in the dark." Baili Qinxue pulled Dugu Sheng and turned to leave.

Baili Liuxu always felt a little unusual. "Why are you telling me?"


Baili Qinxue paused at the end, and had already bullied her body, picking up Baili Liuxu's chin.

So fast, when exactly...

Baili Liuxu felt dazzled.

"I don't want the little beauty to be kept in the dark, so I risked my life to break into Xiling College." Baili Qinxue blew into her ear, and immediately backed away.

Baili Liuxu trembled all over, and stood where she was blushing.

Seeing that the two had already left, Baili Liuxu pursed her red lips, ready to find out.

She cleaned up the scattered paper money and incense candles, put the copper basin into the space ring, and then got up to leave.

Walking to the door of Murong Qing's house, Baili Liuxu found that the candles inside were on.

Obviously when she came earlier, the room was very dark...

She quickly stepped aside and observed the movement in the house.

Not long after, there was a soft "squeak", which brought Baili Liuxu back to her thoughts.

She looked over there, and saw Dongfang Duo'er and Murong Qing standing at the door of the room, with an affectionate appearance, Murong Qing clasped his hands on her shoulders and rubbed them slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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