Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 764 Take the gold coin, let's go

Chapter 764 Take the gold coin, let's go
The girls in the attic immediately flew down like butterflies, "Master, you are such a good person, you actually gave us gold coins so early. You know, Shangguan's family always defaults on gold coins, which makes us mad."

"One bag of gold coins per person, and the deed of sale, let's take it too." Dugu Sheng said.

What's wrong with even giving them the deed of sale?
Several people were suspicious, but they didn't dare to ask.

After taking all the gold coins and the deed of sale, Baili Qinxue said with a flick of his sleeves: "Since you have taken the gold coins and the deed of sale, let me go. I don't plan to open any more songs in this shop, and you won't have any if you stay here. "

Did you come up with this idea?
The girls were cursing, and the middle-aged woman rolled up her sleeves and said, "My boss, you can't do this. I have been working in the song workshop for several years, and the girls have been here for many years. You suddenly asked us to leave, and you asked us to leave." Where are you going?"

"Xuanwu City, there is not only one singing workshop, but..." Baili Qinxue sneered, "The gold coins I gave you are enough to make your life worry-free for the rest of your life, not to mention that you have not increased the income of the singing workshop. On the contrary, they have lost a lot of money, so what's the use of keeping the song workshop?"

This Xiao Hei is much stronger than the members of the Shangguan family.

"But..." The middle-aged woman wanted to say something more.

Dugu Sheng swung his sword and smashed the nearby table into pieces, his voice was low and hoarse, "Don't chatter and quarrel, if you don't want to leave, you will end up just like this table."

"My elder brother is very irritable..." Baili Qinxue laughed.

It turned out to be two super powerful Lianjiazi. They rushed out with all kinds of things.

"Forgive me, forgive me, let's go now, let's go now..."

All of a sudden everyone ran away.

"Sure enough, you have to be strong to drive them away." Baili Qinxue looked at the karaoke in front of her with a smile on her face, "The location of this karaoke is very good. If we renovate this place, the business of selling medicinal herbs will definitely be better." good."

There are a lot of herbs in her space, and she can open several herb shops with just a few samples.

"Axue Huiyan, you always have your own way of saying and doing, I believe you." Dugu Sheng laughed.

Baili Qinxue also laughed.

The two set off to the bank and the restaurant to have a look. The stewards in the bank and the restaurant were polite and polite, but a few servants looked domineering, and Baili Qinxue immediately sent them away.

"You're just a boy, yet you're so arrogant." Baili Qinxue sneered, looked at the two stewards in front of her, and said, "If you want to stay, you have to work hard. The Shangguan family is gone. I am your master, do you understand?"

It's called Xiao Hei, and it's full of momentum.

The two stewards were shocked and nodded their heads hastily.

Baili Qinxue was very satisfied, and she was going to visit the herb shop next.

The shopkeeper inside still looked like a dog looking down on people, seeing the two people coming in, instead of going up to meet them, he picked up a feather duster to drive them away, "Go, go, where are you poor people? This is Shangguan's herbal shop. It’s not that you poor ghosts can come if you want to.”

"Uncle shopkeeper, have you forgotten, Shangguan's family has fallen, and this herb shop is not owned by Shangguan's family anymore." A drug boy in coarse linen came out from the inner hall.

The drug boy was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with dark skin, tall and thin, with bulging eyes, and looked very clever.

The shopkeeper paused, as if there was such a thing.


(End of this chapter)

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