Chapter 774 The super beauty of space.

"Good eyes, very fighting spirit..." Baili Qinxue blinked, thinking that the little boy would be greedy for a moment of success, but he didn't expect that his heart was like a bright mirror, and he knew exactly what he wanted and in which direction he should go To struggle, to work hard.

Are ancient children so precocious?
No, no, it should be a child from a poor family who is in charge of the family early. Shangguan Yun, that idiot, is so old and was deceived into ruin by them, not even a fifteen or sixteen year old radish.

Baili Qinxue laughed.

"Keep this mentality well, your future achievements will definitely be more than that..."

Ding Chongyang nodded abruptly, "Boss Xiao Hei, are you really here today just to look at the shop, are you leaving?"

Ding Chongyang saw that the two of them were tidy and tidy, as if they were about to go on a long journey.

"Well, we are leaving Xuanwu City." Baili Qinxue and others walked into the inner hall. There were many people outside, and the noise of entering the inner hall also dissipated a lot.

When Ding Chongyang heard the words, his expression darkened, "Xiao Hei's boss is actually leaving, where are he going?"

The beggar father is gone, and finally came to a good employer, and now he is leaving again, I always feel very disappointed.

"We are going back to Xinghua City, there are many things to do there, but I promise to take you to see the world, and I will not break my promise." Baili Qinxue saw the disappointment in his eyes, and hurriedly said.

"Little thing, do it well, you know?" Dugu Sheng flicked his forehead.

Hey, my forehead hurts so much from being bounced.

Ding Chongyang covered his forehead and said in pain: "Got it, I will work hard. Speaking of which... Xiao Hei, you are originally from Xinghua City. I heard that Xiling College in Xinghua City is very good. Is it real?"

Her bright eyes looked at Baili Qinxue.

"Well, it's a good place." Baili Qinxue smiled. At least she learned a lot in it and made many friends. It would be even better if she could eradicate the big pests in it.

"Really..." Ding Chongyang covered his face with his hands, and said, "I would like to take a look if I have the chance. I have been staying in Xuanwu City, and I have never gone out."

"There will be a chance." She smiled, and her voice was firm, as if it was a promise.

Ding Chongyang cheered with a smile.

Before leaving, Baili Qinxue took out several big bags from the space.

Ding Chongyang opened it suspiciously, and all kinds of green herbs came into his eyes in an instant. The leaves were still stained with dew, which looked particularly fresh and lush.

"Little Hei Boss, the herbs you provided are really great..." Ding Chongyang has never seen such a good herb, it is almost like fairy grass, and people dare not desecrate it.

"I'll leave these herbs to you, can I sell them?" What she provided were common herbs, which were also low-level ones. If she brought out those high-level ones, people might be jealous.

"It will definitely be sold." Ding Chongyang nodded hastily.

Baili Qinxue smiled, but there are not many low-level herbs in her space, which she only discovered these days.

Her space...

Not only can the medicinal herbs grow wildly, the growth is amazing, but also the grade of the medicinal herbs can be changed. For example, if a first-grade herb is planted, after a few days or months, it will become a second-grade one, and the second-grade one will become a third-grade one. ...

No wonder, she felt that some herbs had changed a little before, so it was so.

"Then I will solemnly hand over the herb shop to you." Baili Qinxue thought for a while, and summoned more than 20 little snakes.


(End of this chapter)

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