Chapter 784 Dongfang Duoer Is Dead
At this time, the servant at the gate of the pagoda was also sound asleep, and the two of them were standing beside the pagoda.

At night, the pagoda seems to be covered with a dark veil, probably because of the dead body placed on the top of the pagoda. Looking up like this, the pagoda seems to be standing still with giant beasts, which is creepy.

"There is still half a month left for the treasure hunt in the illusion." Baili Qinxue turned sideways and walked back, "I want to use this half month to defeat the Murong family and the Dongfang family. The only big family in Xuanwu City is our Baili family." .”

That's... huge ambition.

If it comes from someone else's mouth, he may not believe it.

But from what she said, he didn't doubt it at all, because...

She was an amazing woman who did what she said she would do.

Dugu Sheng didn't speak, but looked at her with burning eyes.

Sensing his gaze, Baili Qinxue turned her head calmly and said, "Go back."

Dugu Sheng nodded.

The figures of the two disappeared quickly.

Since the death of Baili Liuxu, the atmosphere in the college has become more and more tense, and now that the murderer has not been caught, many students are frightened, and many rumors have spread.

Some students said that Baili Liuxu offended people outside, so she died.

Some students also said that some people hated them at Xiling College, and killing Baili Liuxu was just a small test, and more and more people would be killed in the future, until all the students were killed.

This rumor was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and many people believed it to a certain extent.

Not to mention the tense atmosphere in the college, the instructors in the college were also getting more and more headaches, and they all wanted to find out the murderer quickly, but Murong Qing, a bastard, occupied the pagoda and refused to let anyone check the body, which is really disgusting.

In the main hall, the mentors sat around, and Mr. Lin sat on the main seat.

"Mr. Lin, the spittle outside is almost drowning our Xiling College, and the students are trembling again. What do you think should be done?" A tutor said angrily.

"Of course the murderer is going to be found out." Elder Lin rubbed his temples and said.

"No matter what, Murong Qing didn't let anyone go in to check the corpse." Another mentor sighed, his face was full of exhaustion.

"This matter is related to the reputation of our Xiling College. If Murong Qing continues to do this, we will have to force our way in." Elder Lin patted the table, and his aura suddenly appeared.

Instructor Zhao dragged his chin, and said: "This is the worst policy, but the current situation is not optimistic, and this is the only way to go."

At this time, a disciple ran into the hall rolling and crawling.

"What's the matter, you ran in such a hurry, and you forgot all the manners and rules taught by the academy?" Several instructors scolded.

The disciple's legs were trembling, he looked trembling, and he couldn't finish his sentence.

"Don't worry, speak slowly, and tell us what's going on?" Elder Lin said softly.

"Old Lin..." The disciple's eyes were full of panic, and there were traces of wetness on his crotch. "On the big tree, on the big tree... hangs Dongfang Duo'er's corpse. The death looks terrible, exactly the same as Baili Liuxu..."

The disciple trembled his legs and completely peed out.

A pool of filth fell on the ground, making the instructors' faces black.

"Wait, who did you say was dead?" Elder Lin frowned, screaming inwardly.

"Dongfang Duo'er died, but was still hung on the same big tree. The appearance of his death was horrific, exactly the same as Baili Liuxu..." The disciple bit his lip and repeated boldly.

Could it be that someone who really hates Xiling College wants to kill the students one by one, it's so terrifying...

The disciple directly collapsed on the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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