Chapter 794 Please Let Us Find The Murderer

That's right.

It's all girls' homes. If it wasn't for an appointment with acquaintances, would they be able to run out in the middle of the night?

Murong Qing was on good terms with them, so it was easy to ask them out.

"Evidence must be presented for everything..." Murong Qing gritted his teeth, "Miss Baili, why do you slander me so much?"

"Ah?" Baili Qinxue was astonished, and took a few steps back in fright, "I didn't slander you, I just said that it might be an appointment with acquaintances, otherwise, the girl's family wouldn't run out, why should Mr. Murong be so nervous?"

Murong Qing's face turned blue, it was because he was too impatient, he fell into her trap again, and said the wrong thing again in a hurry.

"I'm not nervous, it's just that all of you are suspicious of me, which makes me feel extremely depressed, and it's understandable for me to say the wrong thing." Murong Qing narrowed his eyes, revealing a frightening and threatening expression in a place where others can't see. look.

"So what if you doubt it. If you haven't done it, you haven't done it. Mr. Murong is too nervous..." Baili Qinxue stood upright, and she always said half a sentence, but it was enough to make people daydream.

The second lady showed doubts. Baili Qinxue was obviously helping her find the murderer, but she always felt a sense of disobedience, as if she had fallen into a trap set by her. This feeling is not good .

"What's wrong with Er Niang, your face looks a little ugly?" Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, when she looked at the second lady in addition to grief, there was a faint smile in her eyes.

The second lady took a breath and said cautiously: "It's nothing, it's just that after knowing the pain of my daughter's death, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

"I don't feel well either..." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, lowered her brows and eyes, "My good sister died so miserably. I will definitely catch the murderer and seek justice for my sister."

The second lady opened her mouth, is this really that indifferent Baili Qinxue?

Her daughter used to hurt her so much, but she actually repaid her hatred with kindness and changed her sex?

Still, can't figure it out...

"Old Lin, can you entrust me with this peace of mind?" Baili Qinxue stood up, her upright figure reflected in the sun, suddenly coated with a golden halo, extremely sacred, "After all, the dead My good sister, I want to find out the murderer with my own hands, and the Oriental girls have always taken care of me, so I also want to bring this murderer to justice."

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips tightly, her eyes were extremely firm.

The students were also affected, and suddenly felt that the figure of the disabled spirit root was abnormally tall.

The firm look in his eyes is also moving.

Dongfang Xi also couldn't see through her. Could it be that her return was not for revenge, but was really forced to help her sister find the murderer?
This is beneficial to her and has no harm, Dongfang Xi decided to join forces with her.

"Mr. Lin, I want to help Miss Baili, after all, Duo'er is my real sister." Dongfang Xi looked at Mr. Lin with a sad face.

The eyes of both of them were too crystal clear, Mr. Lin pursed his lips, unable to speak for a moment.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, this Dongfang Xi actually wants to find the murderer with her, it's not bad, so let's make good use of him...

She hooked her lips and smiled.

Mr. Lin thought for a moment, and finally said: "Seeing that you are so determined, then I promise you, but I only give you three days. If the murderer cannot be found after three days, I will leave the case to the mentors. "

Baili Qinxue chuckled, three days is enough.

Who said that we must find all the evidence...


(End of this chapter)

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