Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 802 I've Been Waiting For You For A Long Time...

Chapter 802 I've Been Waiting For You For A Long Time...

"That's right, this jade pendant is mine." Murong Qing snatched the jade pendant away, and he felt down-to-earth when he got the jade pendant, "I have been looking for this jade pendant, but I didn't expect it to fall into the dirt I must have accidentally dropped it when I was dealing with the scene."

"So that's it..." Baili Qinxue said in a flat voice, "The burn mark on the other side of the grass was left when you burned the corpse, and you deliberately covered it with mud to cover up the mark."

"That's right." Murong Qing sneered, and said, "Baili Liuxu and Dongfang Duo'er are brainless, they kept fighting, I knew something would happen, but I didn't expect it to come true, Baili Liu Xu originally wanted to poison Dongfang Duo'er to death, but never thought that I used a little trick to poison her to death. In order not to cause trouble to the upper body, we put the body in the fire and burned it. The traces were wiped out, and then the corpse was hung on a tree to create the illusion that it was done by outsiders."

"As expected, I guessed right, this is love killing." Baili Qinxue curled her lips, and smiled particularly deep and frighteningly where no one else could see.

"But Dongfang Duo'er, that bitch is really too timid..." Murong Qing gritted his teeth with hatred, "I was frightened by my aunt during the day, and she always talks crazy at night. Everything was exposed, and I heard rumors from outside that people who hated the academy might have done it. I wanted to take advantage of the rumors to poison Dongfang Duoer and imitate the previous one. method, and burned her body again."

Baili Qinxue held her fingertips, her shoulders twitched again.

Haha, she told Zhao Yu and the others to spread those rumors of hatred towards the academy, in order to make him commit crimes again.

It's interesting to muddy the water.

"You killed my sister and ruthlessly killed your fiancée, Murong Qing, you are so cruel." Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, her voice seemed to carry a bit of chill.

Murong Qing raised his head and laughed loudly, "If you want to blame it, blame them for being stupid and cheap."

"You told me so much, do you want me to be a fool on Huangquan Road?" Baili Qinxue still lowered her eyebrows, her shoulders twitched.

Murong Qing thought she was afraid, and laughed more and more unscrupulously, "I just want you to be a fool to say that, otherwise you would think..."

"I also think you are here to kill me." Baili Qinxue slowly raised her head, there was no trace of fear in her eyes, some of them were full of brilliant smiles, "I have been waiting for you outside the yard for a long time I thought you weren't coming..."

What do you mean, waiting for him for a long time?
Murong Qing faintly had an ominous premonition.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Murong Qing gritted his teeth and stared at her fiercely.

Baili Qinxue rubbed the corners of her eyes, she laughed so much that she burst into tears just now, but fortunately she lowered her head, so no one else could pry into her emotions.

"I said, I've been waiting for you. After waiting for a long time, the tea in the cup almost went cold." Baili Qinxue raised her eyelids, her bright smile almost blinded Murong Qing's eyes.

Murong Qing's face was full of shock, and his scalp couldn't help but tingle.

"You said you were waiting for me, you knew I would come..."

In Murong Qing's eyes, the bright smile in her eyes looked like a terrifying Shura, "No, I'm afraid you won't come, so I will perform it in the morning, saying that there is already a clue, and the murderer will be announced tomorrow, in fact..."


(End of this chapter)

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