Chapter 806 Hey, Hey, I'm Showing Love!

At that time, she will think of a plan to take all the family business of the two families into her pocket.


There is only their Baili family in Xuanwu City, and this day has to change.

"Since the murderer has been identified, Young Master Dongfang has also threatened to end the murderer, you all should go back and rest." Elder Lin waved his sleeves and led the mentors out of the yard first.

The students also left one after another.

The small courtyard suddenly became quiet, Baili Qinxue rubbed her temples, and sat down on the chair.

"It's really interesting to see such a thing, but it's quite hard to pretend this kind of thing." Baili Qinxue sighed, and suddenly, a hand stretched out to help her rub it gently.

"Axue, are you comfortable?" Dugu Sheng whispered in her ear, the magnetic voice was numbing.

Baili Qinxue shuddered all over, and she could still smell him when she was close.

It smells good.

"It's okay..." Baili Qinxue tried to stand up, "You're too close."

How could Dugu Sheng make her wish come true so easily, he continued to lean over, breathed in her ear, and said, "Sister, are you shy?"

The numbing voice cleared away under the moonlight.

"..." This little devil, Baili Qinxue stiffened.

Fortunately, Zhao Yu and the others have already left, otherwise, if other people see her being bullied and helpless, they will definitely be laughed out of their teeth. It's okay...

Before she finished sighing, the courtyard door was opened, and then four figures walked in.

"Boss, Xiejian dropped a chicken leg here, and we came to pick it up with him." The four thieves froze in place as soon as they walked in, startled by the scene in front of them.

Oh my goodness.

Their awesome boss was molested by Dugu Sheng, and he had no power to fight back. He completely turned into a docile kitten who can be teased. This style of painting became too sudden, making it difficult for them to adapt .

Dugu Sheng raised his eyelids, and glanced over...

With such sharp eyes, the four thieves immediately returned to their senses.

"Xiejian, didn't you say you want to take the chicken legs, go quickly." Xiejian was pushed out by the other three thieves, he stepped forward cautiously, picked up the chicken legs and ran away.

The three thieves looked at each other, then turned around and ran away.

Baili Qinxue: "..."

At this moment, the small courtyard finally regained its tranquility.

Baili Qinxue was walking back and forth on the edge of the weathering just now, seeing that the person had already left, she immediately came back to her senses and said, "Okay, don't rub it anymore, it's getting late and I have to go to sleep."

Dugu Sheng rubbed it a few more times before letting go.

Baili Qinxue was just about to speak, but seeing his bright smile and watery eyes, she could only swallow all the reproaches in her stomach, so let it be, anyway, she was seen anyway, and she didn't hate it at all ah.

The nights here are peaceful.

But the night in Xuanwu City was full of swords and swords, full of bloody smell.

Murong Qing returned home non-stop, not daring to stop for a moment, until the moment he actually stepped into the gate of the house, his hanging heart was finally relaxed.

"Where's my father?" He summoned a maid and asked anxiously.

"Master, it's in Aunt Gui's room." The servant girl's face turned red, one can imagine what Patriarch Murong is doing inside.

Murong Qing pushed the servant girl away, and walked towards Aunt Gui's room.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard the sound of "uh, huh, huh" coming from inside. Murong Qing had experience in this field, so he naturally knew what was going on inside.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw two white bodies shaking on the bed.


(End of this chapter)

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