Chapter 813 Take me away, save me...

"It was also yesterday..." The second lady cast her eyes randomly, and when she mentioned Baili Qinxue, her body trembled slightly.

"That family business..." Murong Qing couldn't help crying, and was about to run to the back room.

Dongfang Xi also followed, thinking about how much he could get.

"You don't need to go." The second lady stopped them, and said with a sneer, "The owner of the house has already given Baili Qinxue the Murong family's house deed, gold coins, and even all kinds of valuable treasures. If you go now, what you will see is the same. It's just an empty box, there are some furniture left in this house, you can sell them for money if you want."

How much is some furniture worth?

What they want is the house deed, land deed and gold coins...

The two stopped immediately.

Murong Qing's complexion was as pale as paper, did he lose all his family property just like Shangguan Yun?

Their Murong family has fallen?

"It's you, it must be you and Baili Qinxue who are cooperating..." Murong Qing suddenly grabbed the second lady's neck, and roared: "You Baili's family really doesn't have a good thing, and you entered our Murong's house just to take revenge. If you want to seize the family business, you guys are really good at pretending, that bitch Baili Liuxu must be thinking about it when he approaches me, right?"

"So, you killed my daughter?" The second lady sneered, her eyes dark.

"She killed herself." Murong Qing snorted coldly.

"Murong Qing, you are really cruel." The second lady moved her sleeves, and the short dagger hidden in her sleeves suddenly plunged into Murong Qing's abdomen. She was also a warrior, and she swung his palm and directly knocked him out.


Murong Qing spat out a mouthful of blood and lay on the ground very weak.

"You old poisonous woman, how dare you hurt me like this..."

The second lady wiped the blood from her hands, and the smile in her eyes slowly faded away, "You killed my daughter, but you didn't know how to repent. Dongfang Xi failed to kill you, so I will send you on your way."

"You poisonous woman, you poisonous woman..." The blood in the abdomen continued to overflow like a waterfall, and Murong Qing roared heart-piercingly.

"Qing'er, don't be afraid. You will not be lonely with Liu Xu on the road to Huangquan." The corners of the second lady's lips curled up, and she looked strange in a bright red gauze.

"Bitch..." Murong Qing cursed angrily.

Dongfang Xi didn't expect this to happen, her eyes were dull.

The Murong family actually had internal strife, and the aunt of the Murong family was so fierce that she stabbed Murong Qing...

"Let's withdraw." Seeing that there would be no benefit for staying any longer, Dongfang Xi hurriedly ordered people to withdraw, and planned to discuss after returning.

Murong Qing took out a small repayment pill with great difficulty, and swallowed it with his head up.

He spent a lot of gold coins to buy this, and he has always been reluctant to eat it. It is very important to save his life in these extraordinary times.

"Dongfang Xi, save me quickly. The Murong family's property has already fallen into the hands of that little bitch Baili Qinxue. She must have planned this." Murong Qing struggled to get up, "Dongfang Xi, look, I still have so much My subordinates, why don't we join forces to take back the deed of the house, and then you can share half of it with me."

In order to save his life, Murong Qing could say anything.

"Would you like me to take you away?" Dongfang Xi looked at him with a half-smile, "I'll share half of the family property you took back?"

Murong Qing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Didn't you come to our Murong's family because of the family business? Now the family business is in Baili Qinxue's hands. If you don't take action, you won't get anything. There are thugs here, we can join forces."


(End of this chapter)

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