Chapter 816 It's You...

The people discussed it intensely.

Baili Qinxue listened attentively, and the smile on her lips grew bigger and bigger.

It seems that these things spread quickly.

It is estimated that by tomorrow, the people in the whole city will know.

Dugu Sheng raised his ink hair, and winked at the Second Madam, "Second Madam, you must do what A Xue asked you to do..."

The second lady was stunned, she stood up straight and said: "Everyone should already know that the major events happened in the past few days, and another major event happened today, that is Patriarch Murong, my master committed suicide by taking poison..."

As soon as this remark came out, the people were in an uproar.

That old pervert who hangs around the flowers all day, actually committed suicide by taking poison?
He loves beauties so much that he is willing to commit suicide?


The second lady picked up the handkerchief and sobbed, "You should know how the Baili family fell into ruin a few months ago... The head of the family knew that Qinxue was not dead, and when he thought about everything that happened in the past few days, he always felt that it was retribution... , He repented in his heart, and committed suicide by taking poison. Before he died, he wrote a suicide note, intending to give Qinxue all the property of the Murong family to make up for the wrong things he had done over the years, and to have a good pregnancy in the underworld. .”

She wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

The people also exploded the pot one after another.

The old pervert unexpectedly found out with his conscience that he not only committed suicide by taking poison, but also gave all his family property to Baili Qinxue.

This development... was unexpected.

"No wonder, Murong Qing will walk out with Dongfang Xi, he must be thinking of a way to win back the family business, and Murong Qing must have promised him a lot of benefits..."

"Wouldn't Miss Baili be very dangerous?"

"Who knows, this is a matter of the big family, and we ordinary people have nothing to do with it."

The common people chattered together.

The second lady sobbed a few times, and said: "The one next to me is Qinxue. This child has suffered a lot in the past few months. Now, she has won the Murong family's family business. I hope she can be happy. No more suffering."

"Second Niang..." Baili Qinxue shook the second lady's hand and said, "Even if my sister dies, you are still my Second Niang, and I will support you."

Second Madam's hair stood on end, these words were very sweet, but to her they sounded like a reminder.

She withdrew her hand calmly, and said with tears in her eyes, "Qinxue is a filial child, but I am also sorry for her. She actually married the head of Murong family at the most difficult time of the Baili family, in order to live forever. Fugui, now that Liuxu is dead and the Patriarch is dead, I have no reason to live in this world anymore..."

The second lady took out a dagger from her sleeve.

Baili Qinxue was shocked and hurried forward to stop her, "Er Niang, you can't do this..."

The second lady pursed her lips, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "My acting is not bad, are you satisfied?"

"As long as you stab the dagger down, what I asked you to do will be considered complete." Baili Qinxue said with a smile: "But before that, I have something to tell you, and I want you to die clearly .”

The second lady was suspicious, "What?"

"I told Dongfang Duo'er about the nasty affair between my sister and Murong Qing, and I thought I must never keep it a secret, so I kindly told her." Baili Qinxue chuckled, "But Unexpectedly, these two people fought so fiercely, and finally ended up in such a situation."

The second lady froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

"It's you..." She twitched the corners of her lips.


(End of this chapter)

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