Chapter 843 A Very Aura Little Thing
It feels like its world has been mixed with some kind of soft and bright brilliance. This human being seems to be very powerful and tall.

At this moment……

A thin and waxy voice came into her consciousness.

It was as if... he was asking her for help.

Baili Qinxue was slightly dumb, and cast her eyes on the little bamboo beast again.

I saw it was looking at her expectantly, its big eyes glistening, as if it was showing off its cuteness.

Baili Qinxue was slightly taken aback. How could a cub born of an ordinary monster have such aura, be cute enough to ask for help, and even know how to send the voice of asking for help into her consciousness?
This little thing seems very smart.

"Axue..." Dugu Sheng clung to her ears, and said with a smile: "This little thing seems to be asking for help from you, and he is really shrewd. If he knows who is strong, he will attack whoever is stronger."

Baili Qinxue's attention was still on the little bamboo beast, and without raising her head, she said, "It's indeed a shrewd little thing. I wasn't interested in it at first, but now, I am a little interested in it."

Dugu Sheng was not annoyed, he bent his lips and said with a smile: "This little thing is not like an ordinary thing. If Axue likes it, it's better to sell it as soon as possible. Those young ladies want to take it back and keep it for fun."

"A waste of everything." As soon as the words fell, Baili Qinxue immediately called for the price, "Five thousand gold coins."

The crisp voice suddenly reminded me of it, and immediately brought back the thoughts of everyone in the wing room.

"Miss Axue, are you interested in this little bamboo beast?" Mu Liu looked at her eagerly. Baili Qinxue had a hard time getting her hands on it. The only thing she got her hands on was the book of magic beast secrets, and now she is interested in this little bamboo beast again?
Let her make a move, it seems that this little bamboo beast is very unusual.

Baili Qinxue nodded and said, "It is inevitable."

The sonorous, powerful, firm voice made Xuanyuan Po raise his eyes and look deeply, "You have a lot of gold coins, no one can compete with you."

The cold voice seemed to add a bit of interest, but it was telling the truth.

"As long as you don't raise the price too high, it will hurt you." Baili Qinxue chuckled, her red lips raised again, "[-] gold coins."

Her voice was so resounding that many daughters with riches gave up their food.

Just buying a pet, does it need to be so expensive?
These young ladies are shrewd, so they wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Just when everyone thought that the little bamboo beast would be taken away by Baili Qinxue, an abrupt female voice sounded like thunder on the ground.

"Six thousand gold coins."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, the voice was...


Baili Qinxue looked down, and she saw Liu Cheng standing in the venue, her high ponytail made her more energetic, and her black outfit also made her look extraordinarily heroic, but It's just that look that people can't like.

She was looking at Baili Qinxue's face, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and she looked like she was sure of winning.

The daughter of the overlord of the black market naturally has a lot of gold coins.

But did she think that she, Baili Qinxue, had no gold coins?

"Six thousand five." Baili Qinxue raised her red lips slightly, and the little bamboo beast in the cage had twinkling star eyes.

It really saw the right person, huh huh.

Mu Liu put down the cup, got up from the couch just now, but was stopped by Xuanyuan Po, "Liu Cheng likes you, if she sees you in this wing, maybe something will happen to her."

"Fortunately, you held me back." Mu Liu pursed her lips, and there was a glint of darkness in her eyes, "But Xiaocheng, who actually bid with Miss Axue, clearly made trouble on purpose."


(End of this chapter)

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