Chapter 847
If you spend a high price, the ice silk you bought will make Erye Liu unhappy, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?

Liu Cheng was in a difficult situation for a while.

Ding Jingtai didn't think for a moment, and blurted out, "Shooting, keep shooting, Bingsi can cure the world's strange poisons, no matter how high the price is, we must continue to shoot, Miss Liu has forgotten Erye Liu's entrustment?"

"Daddy said, no matter how high the price is, you must take Bingsi back..." Liu Cheng recalled, and suddenly became enlightened, "I understand, 25 gold coins."

"Master Baili, that woman really has no guts. She actually asked Ding Jingtai to help her to advise her before she dared to continue bidding." Ding Chongyang has been observing their actions, and for some reason, he is particularly interested in Ding Jingtai.

"Ding Jingtai is a steady person, and he has a good brain." Baili Qinxue chuckled, focusing all the time on the bidding price, which had already been fired to 30.

I really didn't expect...the ice silk vomited out by the toad can be sold for such a good price.

She has also collected several boxes in her space.

With a thought, a small brocade box appeared in her hand.

There must be a good treasure in the brocade box, and several people looked at it with great interest.

Baili Qinxue opened the brocade box, and suddenly, her expression changed.

The brocade box was actually empty... She clearly remembered to hide Bingsi in it, and there was no hole in the bottom of the brocade box, so she would never run out, where did Bingsi go?
"Empty brocade box?" Ding Chongyang blinked.

"I originally wanted to auction something, but when I think about it carefully, I have already auctioned it off, haha..." Baili Qinxue raised her lips and probed her consciousness into the space.

at this time……

Chi Yao was lying on his back under the vine, and Er Huo lay on the ground as a pillow for him. He closed his eyes and rested, with icy air still remaining on his mouth.

Baili Qinxue's face darkened, everyone knew that it was the one who ate the ice silk.

Why can't it freeze to death, bastard.

Dugu Sheng smiled lightly and leaned close to her ear, "Which little fellow stole it?"

As soon as Baili Qinxue raised her head, she could see his sharp and sharp side face. She lowered her voice, "It's that bastard Chi Yao, he's too arrogant..."

The two of them whispered like there was no one else around, and they were so envious of others.

Xuanyuan Po clasped his teacup tightly, pursed his thin lips slightly, and there was a gleam of coldness in his dark eyes.

Dugu Sheng glanced at him from the corner of his eye, looking smug.

Baili Qinxue didn't notice the undercurrent of this trend, and hurriedly took the empty brocade box back to the space. At this moment, Bingsi has already been fired to 50 gold coins, and it seems that there is still an upward trend.

Baili Qinxue's face darkened.

That prodigal son of Chi Yao...

Otherwise, she will receive a lot of gold coins.

In the end, Bingsi was owned by Liucheng at a price of 60 gold coins. Liucheng was not very happy after getting Bingsi, but at the same time he was relieved that the task was completed, but it was not worth it to spend a lot of gold coins.

The steward gave them Bingsi.

"Miss Liu, please hide the ice silk and let's go quickly. After all, this is a good thing, and it will definitely make people jealous." Ding Jingtai looked around vigilantly and reminded.

Liu Cheng understood, and hurriedly hid Bingsi in the space ring.

The two turned and left.

Ding Chongyang in the wing saw that Ding Jingtai had already left, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Why, can't wait to compete with Ding Jingtai?" Baili Qinxue saw the disappointment in his eyes and joked aloud.

Ding Chongyang nodded dully, he didn't know if it was because he wanted to compete, or what.

"After a while, you two will see each other again." Baili Qinxue laughed.


(End of this chapter)

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