Chapter 864 Met? ...

Electricity and flame exploded at the same time, and then, the most beautiful fireworks in the world bloomed on the sky.

The fusion of purple and red is bright and extraordinary, life and death.

"It's so beautiful..." Baili Qinxue was attracted by the scene in front of her, and the light and fire alternated on her face, flickering on and off, making her eyes more clear and watery, making her itchy.

"Yes, very beautiful." Dugu Sheng glanced at her face.

Baili Qinxue didn't pay attention, thinking he was praising the fireworks.

"Axue..." A lazy and deep voice suddenly rang in his ears, and Dugu Sheng lowered his head slowly, his eyes were full of confusion.

Baili Qinxue tilted her head subconsciously, "Why..."

Before he finished speaking, a warm touch spread on his lips, and the fiery heat continued to faint in his heart.

She didn't pay attention, and lightly touched his lips...

Eyeballs widened suddenly, her face turned red, Baili Qinxue quickly backed away, and subconsciously covered her lips, "I, that... I didn't mean it, I turned my head and accidentally..."

She was so nervous that she could speak incoherently, and the strangeness in her heart gradually spread all over her body, making her mind go blank, oh my god, how did she accidentally encounter it, it was so scary...

"Well, I know, it wasn't intentional." Dugu Sheng blinked and smiled ambiguously.

What expression is this?
Baili Qinxue blushed, and explained in a panic: "Don't think about it, I didn't mean it either."

Dugu Sheng's eyes were burning, and the smiles in his eyes were almost overflowing, "I know, you didn't mean it, because..."

"Because of what?" Baili Qinxue couldn't help asking.

There was a soul-stirring look in his eyes, and the bottom of his rippling eyes was like the sparkling water surface. Baili Qinxue realized that something was wrong, raised her head hurriedly, and looked at the distant sky.

On the sky, the fireworks blooming have never been extinguished.

Because, he lowered his head on purpose, the purpose is...

Dugu Sheng glanced at her bright red lips, which were soft and hot, and finally kissed her, haha.

"Because we were all careless, so there's no need for Axue to explain in such a panic, I understand everything." Dugu Sheng opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue heaved a sigh of relief.

Well, it was all careless, as long as he can understand...

She was so flustered that she didn't see the cunning that flashed in Dugu Sheng's eyes clearly.

Dugu Sheng continued to laugh, this move can be considered next time.

The two still wanted to stay on the tower for a while.

At this moment……

In the dwellings next to the city tower, the lights suddenly lit up, and then the residents yelled, "Which bastard, set off fireworks at night, and keep people from sleeping?"

"That's right, what about the patrolling soldiers, why don't you arrest the thieves who disturb the peace?"

The residents were outraged.

The two realized that they had gone too far, they just looked at each other and smiled, flew down from the tower, and rushed back to the house without stopping, for fear of being caught.

The next day, there was a thief who set off fireworks in the middle of the night last night, and the news of disturbing people's tranquility spread in the city, and the thief instantly became the public enemy of the people.

When Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng found out, they laughed so hard that they almost burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, after playing magic on the tower for a while, they became the public enemies of the common people, haha, it's so interesting.

"What's the matter with Bailidong's family? It's so funny?" Ding Chongyang came in from outside, his big black eyes flickering, "Dongjia, Dongjia, President Mu Liu and Young Master Xuanyuan are here. They are outside the courtyard gate. Will you let it in?"


(End of this chapter)

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