Chapter 873 It Can Be Seen As Simple
After hearing this, several people didn't have much expression on their faces, but there were waves in their hearts.

Liu Cheng must have said something in front of Second Master Liu, and Second Master Liu was also thinking about it in his heart.

So shameless...

"Can you compete with Brother Ding Jingtai?" The only one who was excited was Ding Chongyang. He blinked his eyes and said, "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, hahahaha."

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers... Fourth Master Long cast a glance at him, this kid has a big tone.

"The kid has a big tone. Ding Jingtai is a master at picking stones. Don't cry when you lose." Fourth Master Long reminded.

"I'm young, even if I lose, it's a kind of experience, so I won't cry." Ding Chongyang raised his head, and at this moment his eyes burst into brilliance, resplendent and extraordinary.

It's a good mood...

Fourth Master Long admired it a little, "What do you think, Patriarch Baili?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and said: "As Ding Chongyang said, losing is also a kind of experience. Such a good experience is in front of you. Wouldn't it be a pity to push it away?"

"I'll go get ready first." Fourth Master Long waved his sleeves and left with a smile.

An hour later the competition began.

Fourth Master Long had already spread the news, and there were many people watching.

Ding Chongyang and Ding Jingtai took the stage at the same time.

"Brother Ding Jingtai, I can finally compete with you. I'm so happy." Ding Chongyang smiled so hard that his eyes were crooked, shining like pearls.

Compared with his excitement, Ding Jingtai's expression was not very good-looking.

"You want to compete with me?"

Ding Chongyang nodded abruptly, "I think Brother Ding Jingtai is very powerful and kind, so I want to compete with you to feel the fun and gain experience."

"That's all?" Ding Jingtai couldn't help feeling better.

Ding Chongyang chuckled a few times, "It would be nice if I could beat you..."

Hearing what he said, Ding Jingtai couldn't help but curl his lips, "Actually, I also want to compare with you, but this competition was proposed by Liu Erye, and the purpose is not simple... ..."

Ding Chongyang understands that rich people fight openly and secretly. He smiled and said: "Then let's regard it as a simple competition and enjoy the fun of it, haha."

He is still young, and he can see so clearly.

And myself...

Ding Jingtai took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Well, let's enjoy together."

Everyone clearly felt that Ding Jingtai's aura had changed. He looked sluggish just now, but now he was full of energy and his eyes were burning hot, as if he came from the undefeated God of War in mythology.

Ding Chongyang was not to be outdone.

"Ding Jingtai's eyes have changed." Mu Liu said.

Xuanyuan Po raised his thin lips, "Ding Chongyang must have said something encouraging to him."

"Ding Chongyang is enjoying it now." Baili Qinxue looked at the two people on the stage. Ding Chongyang also had a naturally formed aura that could not be ignored.

Fourth Master Long had already placed a pile of stone materials in front of their eyes.

"There are 100 yuan of stone materials here, 50 yuan per person, I want you to pick out all the hidden stones from the 50 yuan, if you ignore one, you will lose, if you pick the wrong one, you will lose, how about it?" Fourth Master Long The servant has been ordered to distribute the stone raw materials.

Ding Chongyang asked: "Then if they are all ignored, are they all wrong?"

"Then start all over again." Fourth Master Long said.

Ding Chongyang nodded, "I understand."

Ding Jingtai didn't have any objections either, "Fourth Master Long, you can start now."

The two began to pick stones.

Ding Jingtai's techniques are fast and sophisticated. With the precipitation of time, he has accumulated and worked hard, and all of them have become the experience of picking stones.


(End of this chapter)

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