Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 886 How Are You Considering Marriage?

Chapter 886 How Are You Considering Marriage?

"Little guy, call sister to listen again." Little Pink seduced him with shortbread.

Ding Chongyang took the shortbread and said sweetly, "Sister Pink, you are so kind..."

The same sycophant as Little Bamboo Beast, but cuter than Little Bamboo Beast, and Little Pink likes him quite a bit.

A few people wandered around the black market, but they didn't find any awesome treasures, so they could only leave without interest. When they passed by the market restaurant, a few people went there to eat and drink again, and waited until they were full. Only then did I leave.

At this time, the sky darkened a little.

Several people rushed back to the academy quickly.

However, the inside of the Black Market Treasure Pavilion was extremely unsettled, and the noise continued from daytime until now.

Liu Cheng stood upright, fierce, her unyielding eyes met those of Second Master Liu, and the atmosphere in the wing room was depressing.

The smoke from the cauldron was curling up, making the wing room drowsy, Liu Cheng's figure moved, and after a moment of silence, she finally spoke at this moment, "Daddy, I really won't agree to this marriage, I like it The man is Big Brother Mu Liu."

"But he doesn't like you." Second Master Liu glared angrily, "If you want to post back, I can't afford to lose face."

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth.


Ding Jingtai gently pushed the door and entered, then closed the door gently.

"Second Master Liu, did you call me?"

Ding Jingtai had an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Liu Erye called him over, it must be because of the incident during the day, asking him to be the door-to-door son-in-law and the husband of Liu Cheng, really...

He frowned, somewhat reluctantly.

"Jingtai, come up a little more." Second Master Liu waved to him.

Ding Jingtai approached slowly.

Liu Cheng had already put on another face when he came, cold, contemptuous, and mocking, as if Ding Jingtai owed her millions of gold coins.

Ding Jingtai didn't care, and quickly stood beside Liu Erye, "Liu Erye, I wonder if you called me late at night..."

Erye Liu stroked his beard and laughed, "Jingtai, why are you so stupid when you say you are smart? There is still no answer to what I said during the day. I want to hear your thoughts. If you If you agree, my little orange will naturally agree."

Ding Jingtai glanced at Liu Cheng calmly.

She will be so good, go dreaming!

Liu Cheng frowned, and yelled directly, "Daddy, what are you talking about? I will agree to whatever he promises. This is related to my lifelong happiness. How can you be so hasty?"

"I said you agree, and you will agree." Liu Erye didn't give Liu Cheng any chance at all, he turned his head and asked, "Jingtai, what do you mean, how are you thinking?"

Ding Jingtai lowered his eyes and said: "As Miss Liu said, the important things in life should not be so hasty, and my greatest wish now is to find my younger brother. It's okay to talk about the important things in life after my brother is found."

Liu Cheng thought she was quite happy at first, but when she thought about it, she couldn't compare to a servant's younger brother.

"I want to find my younger brother, but I don't know if I can find it..." Liu Cheng sneered.

Erye Liu also looked a little displeased. He is only a younger brother, but he can delay the important events of his life. He pursed his lips and said, "Jingtai, there is one thing I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"What's the matter?" Ding Jingtai narrowed his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.

"It's what you've been talking about, about my younger brother." Second Master Liu's eyes wandered, and he hesitated to speak.

Ding Jingtai's eyes widened suddenly, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger, "My brother...what's wrong?"


(End of this chapter)

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