Chapter 896 Because of this bond...

Ding Jingtai looked at his extremely eager eyes, and his whole heart softened.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to Liu Erye tomorrow."

He didn't want to trouble Second Master Liu at first, but now he felt more fettered in his heart, and he no longer wanted to let anything happen to him.

Ding Chongyang cheered, "It's good that Brother Jingtai can listen to it, but I'm afraid you won't listen to it."

"With this fetter, I won't let anything happen to me..." Ding Jingtai smiled and rubbed his head.

The warm touch was transmitted to the scalp, which made Ding Chongyang tremble, "I can't understand what brother Jingtai is saying, but I will move here to supervise you these days, you live in the house even There are no decent people, I am very worried."

Ding Jingtai was happy in his heart, but as if he was thinking of something, he showed embarrassment, "You belong to Patriarch Baili, so I won't keep you here selfishly..."

"Ah..." Ding Chongyang exclaimed, and only then did he think of the problem.

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, "Don't worry about me, it's good that Ding Chongyang has ideas and goals, I don't need any super obedient dolls, and in two or three days, we will go to It's a treasure hunt in the illusion, and the two of you can take care of each other, so I can feel more at ease."

Fantasy Treasure Hunt...

Ding Chongyang's eyes sparkled, "Bai Li's family is going to hunt for treasure in the illusion, it's amazing."

Baili Qinxue chuckled, "I see a baby that suits you, and I'll bring it to you. It's rare to go to the magic mirror, so naturally..."

She smirked a few times, which made Ding Chongyang's heart shudder.

The smile is so penetrating, it's like looting a certain treasure house.

However, she still brought him a baby...

"Master Baili, you're so kind." Ding Chongyang smiled, probably because he didn't sleep well yesterday, and a dull hair on the top of his head was raised, looking dull and cute.

Ding Jingtai looked at him, his eyes deepened.

It seems that he has a good life with Baili Qinxue, so that's all right...

"It's time for us to go back, Ding Chongyang, you should stay here." Baili Qinxue stood up, called Ding Chongyang outside before leaving, and said softly, "I left some little snakes in the yard, they You are very clever and have hidden yourself, so you can feel a little more at ease when there are little snakes patrolling the yard."

Seeing that Baili Qinxue hadn't left yet, the little snakes poked their heads out quietly.

"I found them..." Ding Chongyang caught them right away, "The herb shop is also thanks to them, I feel that they are also very powerful."

"Let's go first." Baili Qinxue and the others walked away slowly.

For safety's sake, Baili Qinxue also asked Dugu Sheng to set up a formation outside the house.

A formation that looks simple but contains mystery, nothing can be seen from the outside, but as long as one enters the formation, there must be no way out, Baili Qinxue stood where she was, curling her lips slightly.

"That way, it's much safer."

"That's natural." Dugu Sheng played with his fingertips, and his eyes showed a lot of confidence, "The formation I set up, unless someone is quite proficient in formation, don't try to explain it to me if it's a little bit ordinary. come out."

Little Pink looked at the formation and nodded repeatedly, "It really is a very mysterious formation."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, if he was given a tail, he could go straight to the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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