Chapter 898

Dugu Sheng also paused, "Axue, why did you stop?"

Baili Qinxue pointed, "Look ahead."

Dugu Sheng looked forward, his eyes deepened.

Little Pink covered her mouth and exclaimed, "This place is really weird. It doesn't matter if the road doesn't look like a road. I don't mind if there are steps in front of me, but the steps are floating, and they will disappear all of a sudden. It changed all of a sudden, how can this make people go away?"

In front of the mist, there is a cliff with no road, and there is no place to stay around. Only those floating steps are the only way to go to the other side.

It's fine for the stairs to float, at least you can walk carefully, but these stairs can also play invisibility, sometimes they appear, and then disappear, how can people walk?
"What a broken place, how can people get away here?"

"That's right, these stairs are still hidden, obviously they don't want us to go inside to hunt for treasure."

"It sounds good to say that the treasure hunt in the illusion is actually a gimmick that makes people happy. It's really hateful..."

Many students have already started complaining.

Liu Cheng couldn't stand the noisy atmosphere, folded her arms around her chest, and snorted coldly: "Old Lin also said just now that there are many dangers in the fantasy world, can you find the good baby easily?"

Some students couldn't help but keep quiet when they heard the words, as if what they said made sense.

"Besides, this pass must be the easiest one. If you can't pass this pass, let alone the rest, it's better to go back early." Liu Cheng raised her chin slightly, showing a contemptuous arrogance .

It's just the daughter of the overlord of the black market, and she dares to come here to shout...

The students did not buy her account.

"Since what you said is so reasonable, then please show me how to break through."

"That's right, if we just talk but don't do it, we will."

"Also ask Miss Liu to teach us how to break through."

Voices kept ringing in her ears one after another, Liu Cheng's face froze, she was just talking casually, and didn't think about how to break through...

"Xiaocheng, do you really know how to get past it?" Xilanlu tugged at her sleeve and shook it, calling her extremely affectionate.

"I..." Liu Cheng pursed her lips, not knowing how to answer.

Xilan Lu felt suspicious, "Xiaocheng, you didn't yell because you had a hot head, but you didn't even think about it yourself?"

Liu Cheng's complexion turned blue, and the students pointed at her, probably saying that she had no skills and dared to point fingers, it was simply to embarrass her.

Her face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Xilanlu sighed, all the members of the three major families died, Weinan Lin Che and Lin Fenglie also went back to the Southern Continent, Xilan Manyue also returned to the palace due to some things, and the remaining little shrimps could not be relied on at all. of.

However, at least there are Mu Liu and Xuanyuan Po.

Xi Lanlu cast her gaze over, and saw the two standing upright, talking about other things casually, without any intention of cooperating with anyone.

"Sister Lu'er, what are you looking at?" Xi Lanming asked sideways.

"I'm looking to see if there is anyone who can cooperate with us." Xilanlu glanced at him for a while, then shook his head, "Except for Mu Liu and Xuanyuan Po, the others are all weaklings. Although Baili Qinxue is the youngest Patriarch, but it is also by luck, they are all in the second class."

Xi Lanming subconsciously nodded, "That's true. Bringing in the trash from the second-class class will definitely slow you down."


(End of this chapter)

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