Chapter 901 A Strange Stone Tablet?

Dugu Sheng rubbed her hair with his hands, and followed her in everything, "Axue can go wherever she says, haha, follow Axue to treasure hunting."

He flicked his sleeves and ran forward a few steps with a smile on his face, looking naughty like a child.

Baili Qinxue shook her head, then smiled again.

Seeing her smiling, the smile in Dugu Sheng's eyes became even more moving.

The three walked into the selected path.

I have to say that the trail of Baili Qinxue was chosen very well. The road was very peaceful and I didn't see anyone. That's right, this trail is the last and relatively deep. Of course, the students would not choose it.

"I feel like I've chosen a good path." Baili Qinxue chuckled, her thin white fingertips showing a blurred beauty under the mist.

Little Pink nodded and said: "I feel that the more secluded the place, the more babies will be there."

"I think so too." Baili Qinxue nodded, but...

As we go deeper, the fog becomes thicker and thicker, which is quite strange.

Dugu Sheng used wind magic to disperse the mist, but after a few seconds, the mist condensed again, lingering around the mist, as if resisting him, every time it disperses, it condenses and becomes thicker.

"The illusion is really different..." Dugu Sheng saw the clue, and hurriedly put away the wind magic.

Baili Qinxue condensed the fire magic and said with a smile, "Then I will use my divine fire to illuminate the road ahead."

The divine fire was so powerful that it quickly illuminated the road ahead, and the fog seemed to be afraid of the divine fire, but it quickly disappeared, and Baili Qinxue was very pleasantly surprised.

"These fogs are actually afraid of divine fire, and they look very spiritual..."

"That's right." Dugu Sheng bit his sleeve, with a mournful expression, "I'm not afraid of my wind, but A Xue's fire, I feel like I have no status."

"Since when did you have status?" Baili Qinxue asked with a smile.

"Pfft." Little Pink laughed while clutching her stomach.

Dugu Sheng was speechless, and blinked blankly, "Axue, you don't have to do this... Hey, Axue, look ahead, there are a lot of dense herbs."

Baili Qinxue looked up and saw many medicinal herbs swaying in the mist.

"A large area is full of medicinal herbs, you're getting rich." Baili Qinxue ran over with a smile.It is also a good harvest to find a large piece of medicinal herbs first.

The three carefully picked off the herbs.

As soon as Baili Qinxue threw the herb into the space, the little snakes started playing with the soil and digging the ground. Er Huo also ran over to help. Chi Yao was an old man, lying lazily under the vine without moving.

Baili Qinxue held her fingertips and laughed.

"Look, Xuexue, there is a strange stone tablet engraved with words under the withered grass." Little Pink peeled off all the dry grass climbing on the stone tablet, and the whole stone tablet came into view.

Strange stele?

Baili Qinxue couldn't help being curious, so she went up to have a look.

Seeing it, she couldn't help but froze in place.

The moss-covered black stone tablet was engraved with strange words, and Baili Qinxue couldn't make out the meaning of these words when she looked left and right. She held her chin, "It's really strange..."

"Look, Axue." Dugu Sheng pointed to a very small piece of writing at the corner of the stone tablet, "This piece of writing is not strange, and we can understand it."

Baili Qinxue looked down.

"When the brightest ray of light shines, will we see a different scenery?" Baili Qinxue murmured, it was just a nonsensical sentence, but it was permeated with weirdness.


(End of this chapter)

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