Chapter 907 Like a pretty dummy?
"Wait a little longer." The water man called to her again, "The air gets thinner as you go down. You just need to drink my water and you will be able to resist."

The water man moved a ladle of water to Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue was not pretentious, she subconsciously opened her mouth, and the water flew directly into her mouth.

After drinking the sweet water, you feel refreshed, and even your breathing becomes lighter.

Baili Qinxue was amazed by the beauty of the water, but without delay, she dodged down directly.

The inside of the cave was really deep, and it became darker as it went down, and the air became thinner and thinner. Fortunately, after drinking the water given by the waterman, she didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Reaching the bottom of the cave, Baili Qinxue stepped on the sides of the cave and slowly descended.

The bottom of the cave was different from what I imagined, it was a little brighter, and there was something similar to a house in the distance.

Is there a house at the bottom of the cave?

It's weird, indescribably weird, and there's a breath of living things here.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, taking every step with extreme caution.

The water man said that the facial features and skin were lost at the bottom of the cave, so it must be somewhere at the bottom of the cave, and she has to look for it carefully.

She kept groping around, and then, in the place where the stone was buried, she found an eye-catching thing.

That might be a clue...

Baili Qinxue walked over carefully, moved the stone away with her hands, and immediately, a small brocade box fell into her eyes.

The brocade box is shabby and looks old.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and there was an unconcealable smile in her eyes. This brocade box must have something very good about it.

She took out the brocade box and slowly opened it...

"My God, it turned out to be two slender eyebrows and a tall nose." Baili Qinxue hurriedly closed the brocade box. Although these things were not bloody, they had already lost their color. It would be scary to look at them a few more times .

She threw the brocade box into the space, followed by ears, eyes, mouth and face.

With the experience from the previous time, Baili Qinxue seemed to have exploded in character. First, she found eyes floating above the stone wall, and then found ears directly on the winding path...

Baili Qinxue's eyes curved into a smile, "It really didn't take much effort, the next step is the mouth and face."

But she searched all around but couldn't find her mouth and face.

The most likely place to have these things, then, is...

Baili Qinxue glanced at the looming house not far away, she must be able to find it there, after all, that place is very weird and it is the easiest place to hide things.

Upon arriving at the small room, Baili Qinxue pushed the door lightly and entered.

There was the smell of living things inside, and she didn't want to disturb it, but unfortunately... the moment the door was opened, the man standing in the room slowly turned sideways, and the green bamboo-colored robe on his body also parted slightly with his movements. ripple.

It was an extremely beautiful man, with thousands of black hairs hanging down his waist, his face had an indescribable softness, and a crescent-shaped cinnabar birthmark on his forehead made him even softer, his eyebrows were like distant black, and his lips were like Sakura, beautiful and delicate.

"You live here?" Baili Qinxue found it unbelievable that someone would live under the cave.

The man nodded, his eyes were out of focus, as if they were fake.

Baili Qinxue squinted, a beautiful, delicate, and unpopular strange man, only his mouth and face were particularly vivid, the rest seemed...fake.

"How long have you lived here?"

The man fixedly looked forward, probably thinking about something, after a while, he opened his thin lips and said with difficulty: "It's been a long time..."

Probably because he hadn't spoken for a long time, the man's voice was a little jerky.


(End of this chapter)

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