Chapter 923 Stay overnight before leaving!
The stupid cat in her arms blinked its round eyes, and subconsciously covered its eyes with its paws. It was tricky, it was definitely tricky, it was good to be young...

Baili Qinxue knew what it was thinking, and patted its cat's head angrily.

The stupid cat stopped quickly, and the two continued to move forward.

The trail was very deep, and after walking for a long time without reaching the end, the two quickly realized that something was wrong.

Although the surrounding scenery has been changing, but...

As long as you pay attention, you will find that these changed scenes are exactly the same as the original ones, that is to say, they walk around and stay in the same place all the time. This so-called trail is basically a maze.

Different from the fog beast I encountered in Taoyuan Cave last time, this is a real maze, and I want to get out of it...

It also depends on wisdom and opportunity.

"We keep going back and forth, what do you think we should do?" Baili Qinxue turned around, wanting to ask him what he thought.

Xuanyuan Po lowered his eyes and said after a while: "This labyrinth is also man-made, let's look around on the stone walls, there may be some clues."

Baili Qinxue nodded, thinking exactly as he did, "There are many strange characters and exquisite carvings on the stone wall, we can take a closer look."

Xuanyuan Po stretched out his hand and brushed away the spider webs on the stone wall. At this moment, the things on the stone wall came into the eyes of the two of them more clearly.

The writing on the stone wall was strange, Baili Qinxue didn't recognize it, and was confused.

"Do you understand?" Baili Qinxue was about to be annoyed. What the hell are these words?

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Po didn't notice it either, he shook his head, "I don't understand, maybe it's just a decoration."

Baili Qinxue's heart trembled. Could it be that she was going to be trapped in the maze for the rest of her life?

She shook her head, becoming more and more courageous as she became frustrated, "Let's walk again, maybe we will have a different harvest."

"Okay." Xuanyuan Po looked at the stone wall again, his gaze was clear and cold, with an incomprehensible emotion.He turned his head and looked at Baili Qinxue who was walking in front, his eyes changed, as if there were some smile marks.

I really hope I can never get out of this maze...

Half an hour later, Baili Qinxue was about to become paralyzed from exhaustion. She sat down along the stone wall, thinking that they had already been active for a day, and it was almost dark at this time. She should eat something, replenish some energy, and wait Let's go tomorrow.

Originally, one person could return to the space, but now there is another one beside him, which is very inconvenient.

"Take a break and leave tomorrow?" Baili Qinxue asked for his opinion.

Xuanyuan Po nodded, took out a few big cakes from the interspatial ring, and handed them to her, "This is the dry food I prepared before I came to the illusion to hunt for treasures, eat it."

"Thank you." Baili Qinxue was not pretentious, and after receiving it, she started to eat, not to mention, she was really hungry.

Seeing how delicious she was eating, Xuanyuan Po looked at the flatbread in his hand with some doubts. This is the most common flatbread. Could it be better than delicious delicacies?

Confused, he took a bite.

It was dry but had a slightly sweet taste. It was neither delicious nor unpalatable. It could barely be eaten, but seeing how delicious it was, he ate a few pieces in a row.

At this time, a small hand as white as jade stretched out, and there was a water bag in it.

"Thirsty, this is the water I poured before departure."

Xuanyuan Po looked at her delicate hands with a dazed expression.

Seeing his hesitation, Baili Qinxue suddenly realized that Bingshan men always have some little obsession with cleanliness, she understands it.


(End of this chapter)

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