Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 932 Hahaha, I'm making a fortune!

Chapter 932 Hahaha, I'm making a fortune!

The old man took a breath, and took another deep look at Baili Qinxue. This little girl can hit every shot, and even he missed it once.

The old man sighed, but there was a smile of relief in his eyes, "It really is a fearsome young man, can you tell me, what is your name?"

The way the old man looked at her had changed, it was a kind of respect and enthusiasm after seeing a master.

Baili Qinxue didn't put on airs, bowed and smiled, "Senior, my name is Baili Qinxue, do you dare to ask me your name?"

"Actually, after such a long time, the old man also forgot what my name is. I vaguely remember that people outside used to call me Mr. Chen, and you can call me that too." Mr. Chen's eyes were loose. I can't remember clearly, but I vaguely remember that I was very good at that time...

"Senior Chen." Baili Qinxue called out.

"Miss Baili, you are the winner today." Mr. Chen squeezed his beard and said with a smile: "I haven't been this happy for a long time, I'm so happy. Just now, with your movement of relieving stones, my heart was fluctuating." Yes, this is a feeling I have never had before, and it is really great that I can meet you before the soul disappears."

She has the ability to cheat to open the magic weapon, so she can win naturally.

However, she also felt very happy to be able to let an old man feel so happy and relieved before disappearing.

"This junior is also very happy to help senior Chen fulfill his wish. This way, senior can be reincarnated with peace of mind. I have done a great deed." Baili Qinxue stood up with a flick of her sleeves, wearing a snow-white robe , impregnated with endless brilliance, and the black eyes reflected a glaze-like halo.

"Never arrogant or impetuous, calm and calm, your future achievements will definitely not stop there." Chen Lao bent his lips and praised a few words.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

There are still a lot of stone raw materials on the ground that have not been untied. Mr. Chen pointed and said: "Miss Baili, according to the regulations, you can take all the stone raw materials here, and the things that the old man untied, and the things that you untied are all the same." You can take them all."

With so many stone materials, there must be a lot of them with something, so...

Haha, made a fortune.

Baili Qinxue was jumping for joy in her heart, but it didn't show on her face.

Seeing her like this, Mr. Chen stroked his beard again, and praised how calm this girl is, with so many good things in her pocket, she didn't even laugh a few times.

Baili Qinxue put all the things on the ground into the space, with a faint smile on her brow, "Thank you, Senior Chen, for your generosity."

"You deserve it." Old Chen waved his hand, and the barrier in front of him was completely opened.

Baili Qinxue returned to the original place, with the dry bones under her feet.Xuanyuan Po saw that Baili Qinxue was safe and sound, and there was a little light in his dark eyes.

Old Chen sat on the chair, his body became more and more transparent, as if it could be blown away by the wind, but his eyes were full of relieved smiles.

"Miss Baili, once my soul disappears, the mechanism here will be opened. Then you should leave here quickly. The ruins are dangerous, so be careful."

"Okay." Baili Qinxue nodded, "The old man has traveled well all the way, do you need a piece of stone material as a memory?"

She took out a stone raw material.

Old Chen glanced at it and shook his head, "After reincarnation, I will definitely come into contact with stone raw materials again, so there is no need to think about it, you should take it with peace of mind."


(End of this chapter)

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