Chapter 941 Eggs Like Marbles...

I really didn't expect to meet again just now.

"What a coincidence, we meet again." Wei Nan Lin Che patted the mud on his body, his eyes moist.

"It's really a coincidence." Baili Qinxue's quiet voice came.

Hearing Baili Qinxue's voice, Liu Cheng stood up from the ground with a grunt. When she looked up, she saw Baili Qinxue sitting leisurely. She gritted her teeth and saw Mu Liu sitting beside her. Changed, immediately became gentle and watery, with a blushing complexion.

Mu Liu was taken aback when she saw her attire, then suppressed a smile, "Xiao Cheng, you are..."

He asked this knowingly.

Liu Cheng tugged at her clothes, it was dirty and pitch-black, and the fine sand rubbed against her skin, making her feel uncomfortable, "I accidentally fell into the sand pool just now..."

"I see." Mu Liu took a deep breath and continued to suppress her laughter.

"Don't talk and laugh, the egg in my arms keeps beating and I can't catch it anymore." Xilanlu lay down on the ground, trying to subdue the egg in her arms.

"Sister, you have to hold on." Xi Lanming squatted aside and fought for her, "This egg is cunning, if it escapes, it will take a lot of effort."

Baili Qinxue frowned, and immediately became interested, "Damn, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Liu Cheng's eyes showed vigilance.

However, Weinan Lin Che said with a generous smile: "Just now we met an egg outside. This egg is quite spiritual and can jump on its own. It is very naughty. We guess that there must be a high-level monster inside the egg. Then, Just keep chasing after it.”

"I see." Baili Qinxue nodded, and glanced at Xilanlu from the corner of her eye, but she saw that she was tightly protecting the egg in her arms, not even revealing a gap.

"So..." Dugu Sheng propped his head lazily, thousands of strands of hair were hanging down his neck, and there was a bewitching gleam in his eyes, "Did you follow this egg to come to this cave?"

Weinan Lin Che was stunned and did not speak. Seeing his expression like this, Dugu Sheng confirmed his guess.

"It seems that there must be something attracting it in this cave, you have to protect that egg well." Dugu Sheng covered his lips and chuckled.

As soon as he finished speaking, the egg jumped out of Xilanlu's arms.

"Dan, come back to me." She reached out to grab it, but Dan flicked on her forehead maliciously.

Xilanlu clutched her forehead in pain, she was beaten to pieces, it was just an egg, the damage was so great...

Weinan Lin Che's expression darkened, she was held in her arms, and she was able to be run away by the egg, a teammate like a pig.

He squinted his eyes and tried to find it, but unfortunately...

The egg is very flexible, and after going around him a few times, it jumps directly towards the totem in the center.

"bang bang bang"

The sound of the egg falling was very clear, Baili Qinxue frowned, this is a magic egg, it is not broken when it hit the ground, and it can still bounce up, it is like a marble.

"Xuanyuan Po, look at that egg." Mu Liu pursed her lips, her eyes stained with a smile, "It bounced on the ground and it didn't break. This egg is simply miraculous. Sure enough, there must be some high-level magical beast hidden."

"Don't think about this egg, we found this egg." Xilanlu got up from the ground, dressed in dark clothes, which made her lose the prestige of being a princess long ago, and looked like a beggar.

"It's just a broken egg." Little Pink's face was full of disgust.

Dugu Sheng stood up little by little, and said with a smile: "Even if we don't want to kill eggs, this egg doesn't like you either..."


(End of this chapter)

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