Chapter 959 Seems to have an idea...

He fetched the abacus and played with it in his hand.

"The difference?" Ding Chongyang's eyes were shining, "Could it be that there is something like a hidden weapon?"

"It's on point." Dugu Sheng fiddled with the abacus, and the next second...

Stretching out his hand to the organ and pressing it heavily, several tiny silver needles flew out of the abacus and shot directly at the pillars in the house. Under the candlelight, the tiny silver needles shone with a cold and sharp light.

Ding Chongyang's face was filled with surprise, "It can actually launch a hidden weapon, and the workmanship is exquisite. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all, and..."

He touched the silver needle on the pillar, "The silver needle is sharp, piercing the skin of a person, and it will hurt for a long time even if you don't die. If the herb shop grows bigger in the future, there will be many jealous people. The owner of Baili gave me this plan." Not only do I need to settle accounts, but I also need to use it to protect myself and the herb shop."

The little guy has a smart mind and can understand it with just one point.

Baili Qinxue nodded appreciatively, "You're right, that's what I intended."

In an instant, Ding Chongyang respected Baili Qinxue again.

"Little guy, put away the abacus for me." Dugu Sheng handed the abacus to him.

Ding Chongyang took the abacus in his hands, and he couldn't put it down.

Ding Jingtai picked up the teacup and looked at Baili Qinxue calmly.Although she is a very mild-mannered woman, she treats people very well. Once she recognizes someone, she will treat them sincerely. Ding Chongyang can be at her side, so he can feel at ease.

There was relief and a smile in his eyes, and Baili Qinxue looked at him squarely.

What a strange look, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, then lowered her head, "Did you tell Second Master Liu about that day?"

Ding Jingtai knew that she was talking to him, he nodded and said: "I said it, Liu Erye hurriedly sent me a few thugs, so these days are calm, and that person didn't do anything again."

After all, it is the stone-picking expert beside Liu Erye. If there is any mistake, the gold coins will be gone.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and said: "Then have you been to the black market recently, have you tried to find someone to test it out on the sidelines, but are there any suspects, did Liu Erye send someone to investigate?"

She asked several questions in a row, and Ding Jingtai answered them one by one, patiently, "I have been to the black market, and I have tried some people on the sidelines, but they all look open and have nothing to do with this matter. Liu Erye also tried to investigate However, he found nothing, obviously, this person has good means."

"Yes." Baili Qinxue nodded, "And the family background is very deep."

She said something quietly, and seemed to have an idea in her heart.

Ding Jingtai didn't think about that level, he pursed his lips, and then said: "Now that Mr. Liu is taking care of him, that person should not make any excessive actions..."

"You have to be careful." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, "If a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall..."

Ding Jingtai was taken aback, then nodded solemnly, "I understand."

"I will also protect Brother Jingtai." Ding Jingtai patted his chest, his eyes were extremely determined.

Ding Jingtai felt his heart was about to melt.

"Then you are still staying here these days?" Baili Qinxue asked.

Ding Chongyang nodded, "The herb shop is still being remodeled, but it should be ready soon. I want to take advantage of these days to compete with Brother Jingtai, otherwise, I will have many regrets when I return to Xuanwu City .”

"Going back to Xuanwu City?" Ding Jingtai couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.


(End of this chapter)

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