Chapter 968 It's time to wipe them out!
"That's natural." General Wang felt relieved when he heard it, "It's also because of the guidance of the third prince. Those strategies are beyond the imagination of us ordinary people."

"That's right." Lieutenant General Li raised his glass and drank happily, "General Wang, the third prince should be called the crown prince at this moment. I believe that the crown prince will become the king soon."

General Wang laughed a few times, "So, after following the crown prince, you will be sure to eat well and drink hot food."

Lieutenant General Li also laughed, "Speaking of which, is General Wang going to enter the palace tomorrow?"

General Wang nodded, "The crown prince told me to go to the palace to accompany him to ride horses and shoot arrows at noon tomorrow, how dare I refuse."

"General Wang is now a big celebrity next to the crown prince." Lieutenant General Li was a little envious, and said, "General Wang will promote me a lot in the future..."

"That's natural." General Wang ate a big piece of fat and laughed heartily. "Tomorrow, you will enter the palace with me and accompany the crown prince to ride horses and shoot arrows together."

Lieutenant General Li's eyes lit up, "Thank you, General Wang, for your promotion."

At the end of the song, Xiao Cui and Xiao Taohong put away their instruments, General Wang waved to them and said, "Beauty, you can come here now, your song just now is very nice, and this general will reward you now."

Xiao Cui and Xiao Taohong twisted their water snake waists and walked away slowly.

"General, how do you reward us?"

"Of course..." General Wang immediately picked up Xiao Cui and threw her on the bed, followed by the sound of clothes being torn.

Lieutenant General Li picked up Xiao Taohong, put her on the table and started playing.

For a moment, an extremely dirty voice resounded.

Baili Qinxue automatically blocked all these voices, and what remained in her ears were their arrogant remarks just now, "This General Wang actually stabbed Wei Nanzi... It really is the running dog beside Wei Nan Lin Che."

"Since they know some of Lin Che's plans in Weinan, the whereabouts of that ugly man..." Dugu Sheng squinted his eyes, and there was a coldness in them.

"Follow them later and ask them. If they don't know anything, it's useless to stay in this world." Baili Qinxue suddenly opened her eyes, the coldness in her eyes was like a sharp sword.

"And..." Dugu Sheng chuckled, "They will enter the palace tomorrow, which is very good news for us."

Baili Qinxue tapped on the table, "Then it's even more difficult to keep them..."

"Xuexue, what are they doing, why are they making such strange noises?" Little Pink tilted her head.It is just a beast, and there are some things about humans that it doesn't understand yet.

Baili Qinxue was startled, and said without blushing, "They are just enjoying their last time, because for a while..."

She made a gesture to wipe her neck.

Little Pink suddenly realized, "Then let them enjoy it first, and they will feel better later."

Dugu Sheng raised his head and looked at Baili Qinxue with great interest.

Not long after, there was no movement next door, presumably they had finished their work, and then there was the sound of the door opening and a series of footsteps.

"They left." Baili Qinxue got up, and the coldness in her eyes became more intense.

"We also follow." Dugu Sheng also stood up.

Before leaving, Baili Qinxue glanced at the bed, the three girls were still fainting, she quickly stepped forward, stripped off all their clothes, and untied the ropes on them.

"Xuexue, what are you doing?" Little Pink covered her eyes.

Baili Qinxue clapped her hands and said calmly: "Come to play in the brothel, how can you play without stripping naked?"


(End of this chapter)

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