Chapter 982 The acting is really good...

Weinan Lin Che rested her chin.

Although the palace on the outskirts of the city is Lin Fenglie's territory, the people living in it are from the Xilan Kingdom.

People from other countries are not as reassuring as people from their own country. Besides, he has only one share of interests with Xilan country, so he is not afraid of [-], just in case...

Although General Wang is arrogant, he is from the Weinan Kingdom. He will never give up the great benefits in front of him and go to the Xilan Kingdom. Thinking of this, Weinan Lin Che suddenly became enlightened.

"That's good." Weinan Lin Che said with a smile: "General Wang, you can go to the suburban palace instead of me to see if Zhao Yu is trapped inside. One more dead man."

To actually want Zhao Yu to die is really vicious.

"But... if Zhao Yu doesn't resist, you can't make things difficult for him." Weinan Lin Che ordered again.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, but her face was full of smiles, she said: "This minister has taken orders, and this minister will go to the suburban palace tomorrow, please rest assured, the crown prince."

"General Wang, be careful on the road." Weinan Lin Che sent General Wang to the door.

Baili Qinxue bowed, and said: "The crown prince sent me off, I am really flattered by this minister, by the way."

She pointed to Dugu Sheng next to her, and said again: "Vice General Li is my minister's right-hand man. During these days when I'm not in the palace, I want Vice General Li to serve by the prince's side instead of my minister."

Dugu Sheng lowered his eyes, looking flattered.

Weinan Lin Che laughed a few times, and said, "How can this palace not accept General Wang's kindness? Vice General Li, you should patrol the palace these days."

Dugu Sheng nodded again and again, "My minister obeys, my minister obeys."

Weinan Lin Che continued to laugh and said, "General Wang, you are quite timid as a deputy general."

Baili Qinxue stroked her beard, and said in a hearty voice, "Vice General Li is not timid, but the crown prince is handsome and handsome, he is ashamed of himself."

"General Wang is very good at talking." Weinan Lin Che laughed.

Dugu Sheng clenched her fingers tightly. It was really interesting for her to bicker with Weinan Lin Che. He couldn't bear it anymore, he really wanted to laugh...

"Prince, I will take my leave now." Baili Qinxue turned around to leave, and said to Dugu Sheng: "Vice General Li, follow me back and get ready. You will be patrolling the palace tomorrow."

Dugu Sheng nodded, "Yes, the Crown Prince, I will take my leave."

Wei Nan Lin Che waved his hand, "Go, I'm tired too."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng left slowly.The carriage of the General's Mansion was already waiting outside. Seeing Baili Qinxue come out, he hurriedly opened the curtain to let her in.

"Where's the horse for Lieutenant General Li?" Baili Qinxue looked outside, but didn't see any horses.

A chauffeur in the general's mansion said, "General... please make atonement for the general, but I forgot to bring Lieutenant General Li's horse here, please make atonement for the general..."

"Go back to the housekeeper to receive the punishment." Baili Qinxue gave him a glare, "What are you doing, go and bring Vice General Li over, now he can only ride in the same carriage with this general. "

The servant invited Dugu Sheng over.

Dugu Sheng jumped into the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage and sat with Baili Qinxue.

"Axue, today's performance is really good." Dugu Sheng moved his fingertips and set up a formation outside the carriage.


(End of this chapter)

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