Chapter 986 Visiting the Dungeon

Baili Qinxue walked in with little pink in her arms.

Inside the palace, it was even more resplendent, all the furnishings were of great value, the only ones in the world, Baili Qinxue looked around, and couldn't help but feel a little amazed.

This Lin Fenglie is really good at writing.

"Husband, is General Wang here?" Xilan Manyue walked out of the back room holding refreshments.She is wearing a pink printed tube top skirt today, her snow-like neck is exposed, glowing with crystal color under the sun, her waist is slender, and her waist is tight, which makes people itchy to see.

"Princess Full Moon really looks unparalleled and extraordinary." Baili Qinxue held her chin and continued to smile ambiguously.

Xilan Manyue blinked her eyes, and there was a mist in her eyes. She put down the tea and stood there quietly, dignified, gentle and demure.

She blessed herself and said with a smile: "General Wang is absurd."

Baili Qinxue's eyes made her very uncomfortable, and Xilan Manyue frowned calmly.

"No, no, it's really beautiful." Baili Qinxue continued to laugh, turned to look at Lin Fenglie and said, "Mr. Lin, you are really lucky..."

Seeing that he married a daughter-in-law to save face for him, Lin Fenglie smiled brightly, and said: "General Wang has a beautiful woman in his arms, and it is also a great blessing."

"My little beauty is unparalleled in the world." Baili Qinxue lifted Little Pink's chin, teasing her to her heart's content.

It turned out to be so in broad daylight, Xilan Manyue pursed her lips, her cheeks turned red.

Lin Fenglie was no longer surprised, he lifted his lips and said: "The purpose of the general's trip, the prince has already sent a letter to inform him, will the general go to the dungeon to see Zhao Yu at this moment?"

Baili Qinxue said calmly, "Then ask Mr. Lin to lead the way."

Lin Fenglie let Xilan Manyue go down, and took Baili Qinxue to the dungeon by himself, "General, please come with me."

Baili Qinxue followed little pink with her arms around her.

Lin Fenglie frowned. This General Wang is really uncomfortable. He hugged a woman when he went to the dungeon. How short of women is this?

"General Wang, the dungeon is here." Lin Fenglie took Baili Qinxue down the stairs. The stairs were very long, with about a hundred steps. After walking down the stairs, several prison cells came into view.

Baili Qinxue held Little Pink in her arms, and looked at the cells one by one, and how many cells were empty, she frowned and asked, "Why are they empty, this general is impatient, hurry up and tell this general, Zhao Yu and others? "

Lin Fenglie narrowed his eyes, it was really annoying.

"General, please follow me."

Baili Qinxue followed behind him with her arms around Little Pink, and after a while, he stopped at the door of a cell.

"This is it?" Baili Qinxue looked in, and saw Zhao Yu and four thieves being locked up together. They were all in ragged clothes and their faces were haggard.

Seeing someone coming in, Zhao Yu and the four thieves looked up.

"Yo, so it's General Wang." Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of contempt, "Weinan Lin Che's minion, General Wang, why are you here?"

"The name of the prince is taboo, and you can call it?" Lin Fenglie kicked the door of the cell.

Baili Qinxue approached the cell, said with a smile: "I'm here today to see how the stray dog ​​is doing. It seems that you are doing well and can speak well."

Zhao Yu folded his arms around his chest, gave her a white look, and said, "Naturally, I want to live better. If I don't live well, I'm afraid some people will be complacent."


(End of this chapter)

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