Chapter 997 This is a Good Place! !
Humans swallowed the monsters in one gulp?

Is that still a human being, isn't it a monster from somewhere?

"You can be more specific, how could they be eaten?" Baili Qinxue looked at them with doubts in her eyes.

The stone man and the tiger looked at each other, and then said leisurely: "Our master and the others are planning to rescue Old General Zhao. We are sure to win, but..."

The stone man and the tiger paused slightly.

Baili Qinxue found a big rock and sat down, "You met Shen Mo, so the whole army was wiped out."

The stone man and the tiger nodded, and when they mentioned that Shen Mo, they gritted their teeth, with a hint of sternness in their eyes, as if they wanted to tear Shen Mo apart.

The stone man sighed, and said: "That human named Shen Mo is very powerful and weird. He can summon monsters from his body. Countless monsters rushed out of his body. We are outnumbered and trying to escape, but He actually fell in love with Big Brother Fox, and sucked Big Brother Fox into his body..."

inhaled into the body?
Baili Qinxue felt a little unbelievable that human beings could actually inhale monsters into their bodies. What kind of magic is this?
"Inhale?" Baili Qinxue frowned, "Then you just said eat it?"

The tiger lamented, "Isn't inhaling it the same as eating it? You can't live, brother fox, poor brother fox..."

"That's not necessarily true." Baili Qinxue held his chin, "You just said that Shen Mo's body can spurt out magical beasts, which means that Brother Fox is not dead yet, and may be hiding somewhere in his body, and he The body can also be said to be a container for storing monsters, if you want to save Brother Fox, you can only destroy his body..."

The two big guys suddenly realized.

"Awesome human being, you still have an idea." The tiger grinned and smiled honestly, "If we hadn't met you, we might be like headless chickens, we could only scurry around in the cave, and we still have a lot of blood on our bodies. Injury, don't know when it will recover."

The stone man took a step closer to Baili Qinxue, "A powerful human being, can you please join us in rescuing Big Brother Fox and his master?"

They used to look arrogant, but at this moment, their temperament has been smoothed out.

Baili Qinxue chuckled, "I came from Xiling College just to save you, even if there are many of you, I will do the same."

The stone man and the tiger were full of joy, "You human being is kind and righteous."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

The stone man and the tiger looked at each other, and continued: "Great human, if you need any help at that time, please feel free to ask us, we will definitely do our best."

"At that time, your help will be indispensable." Baili Qinxue looked at them with a beautiful gleam in her eyes, "It's not safe for you to stay in the cave right now, I'll point you to a safe place , do you want to go?"

The stone man and the tiger nodded repeatedly, "Of course we want to go. This broken cave is indeed not safe. If Shen Mo, a human being, wants to find us, he will definitely find us."

"Okay." Baili Qinxue responded, and with a wave of his sleeve, the two big guys disappeared in place.

The two big guys stood in the open space, and they were scared to pee. What kind of place is this?

There are so many monsters, low-level and high-level ones, and ancient mythical beasts...

Chi Yao sat by the well, looked at the two extra big guys, put his hands on his head and sneered, "That woman is good, she stuffs different monsters here all day long, a basket of low-level and high-level ones, she really treats it like this! Any monster can come."


(End of this chapter)

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