Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 11 Abyss Demon Race

Chapter 11 Abyss Demon Race
After Long Hao left, everyone looked at the two Zixiao Holy Land disciples who had been knocked to the ground with contempt, and then walked quickly towards the portal.

Ten spirit stones are not a small amount for practitioners in the physical realm, and no one wants to waste them.

Soon, the commotion in the square attracted the attention of other Zixiao Holy Land disciples.

After a while, a flash of spiritual light flashed, and a young man in a black suit appeared in front of the portal.


I saw him let out a cold snort, and a lavender true energy was released from his body, like a raging tide, instantly knocking back the crowd around him.

"Bring out your true energy, you are a powerhouse in the Transcendent Realm!"

In an instant, the originally noisy square fell silent, and everyone looked in awe at the young man in black who suddenly appeared.

"Senior Brother Du, you are finally here." The burly young man in purple knelt on the ground with difficulty, clutching his arms while looking at the young man in black as if seeing a savior.

"Huang Chong, Jiang Cheng, what's going on?"

The young man in black is the inner disciple of Zixiao Holy Land, Du Chenglong, who is distinguished and powerful, and has an unrivaled domineering aura when he speaks.

"It's an outer disciple of the Shaking Light Holy Land, named Long Hao. For some reason, he suddenly attacked us and then broke into the Abyss of Suppressing Demons. This person is most likely a spy of the Abyss Demons..."

"Senior Brother Du wants to make the decision for us!"

Huang Chong, that is, the young man in purple with a mole on the corner of his mouth, said with an aggrieved and sinister face.

He had seen Long Hao's identity token before, which contained Long Hao's identity information, so he remembered it clearly.

"A spy from the Abyss Demon Race?"

When the people around heard this, they all sneered, and they despised Huang Chong and Jiang Cheng to the extreme.

It is true that the villain files the complaint first, and the dog bites the person first.

Putting such a big hat on Long Hao from the very beginning was completely out of intention to murder Long Hao's life.

And Du Chenglong was not stupid to be able to break through the Transcendent Realm at a young age and become an inner disciple of the Zixiao Holy Land. He glanced at the expressions of the people around him and knew that there must be something strange in it.

But he doesn't care.

"Hmph, what a gutsy dog!"

"Since he is a spy of the Abyssal Demon Clan, then immediately notify the inspector and kill this thief!"

Du Chenglong's face was indifferent, and his dark eyes were full of murderous intent.

Huang Chong and Jiang Cheng are his subordinates, and it depends on the owner to beat the dog, not to mention that he set the rules for charging in front of the portal.

Except for practitioners above the Transcendent Realm, those in the physical realm who dare to refuse can collect a large amount of spirit stones every day.

This is not a small number.

If you don't teach Long Hao a lesson this time, won't others follow suit in the future?
He didn't care if Long Hao was a spy of the Abyssal Demon Clan, anyway, he was just an outer disciple of the Yaoguang Holy Land, so it was no big deal if he killed him.

There are more than a million outer disciples in the Holy Land of Waving Light, and many of them died accidentally, the higher-ups don't care at all.

Not entering the Transcendent Realm, for the huge Holy Land, it has no value of cultivation at all, and it is irrelevant.

As an inner disciple of Zixiao Holy Land, Du Chenglong knows this best.

After thinking about it, he sent several outer disciples to drag the injured Huang Chong and Jiang Cheng away, and then continued to guard in front of the portal to collect the spirit stones.

As for himself, he walked towards the Heavenly Inspection Palace in the depths of Zhenmo City.

The Heavenly Inspection Palace was jointly built by the Ten Great Sacred Lands. It is dedicated to inspecting the world, suppressing the abyssal demons, and eliminating the spies of the abyssal demons...the power is extremely powerful.

And each of the inspectors is a true disciple of each major holy land. These people are full of blood and hate evil like enemies. Once they find abyssal demons or spies, they will immediately suppress and kill them without mercy.

This time, Du Chenglong wanted to use the inspector to suppress and kill Long Hao.



Bursts of dazzling aurora filled his mind, Long Hao fell down from the void in a haze, and only woke up after a while.

"Ma Dan, this portal is fake."

Standing up and taking a deep breath, Long Hao still felt a little buzzing in his head.

Like drinking fake wine.

He didn't know that traveling through the portal would put a huge burden on the body and mind, and only those who are strong in the supernatural realm can use the true energy to protect the body to come and go freely.

After opening his eyes and scanning around, Long Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

This place is completely different from the Xuanhuang Great World, which is bright and transparent and full of aura.

The sky is gray, covered by layers of thick fog, without a gleam of brilliance, and the ground under the feet is dark red, as if mixed with blood.

In particular, there is no aura of heaven and earth here, but only a strange and fierce demonic energy.

With every breath, it seems that there is a wave of negative chaotic emotions, attacking the mind.

This is the Abyss of Suppressing Demons, the paradise of demons, and the forbidden zone of human beings!

It was the first time Long Hao saw this scene like an abyss and hell with his own eyes.

Dark, chaotic, weird, scary...

All kinds of negative emotions bring great pressure to people.

After a while, Long Hao's eyes began to be bloodshot, and there was an urge to kill and bloodthirsty in his heart.

"This demonic energy is so overbearing, it actually directly impacts people's spiritual consciousness."

Long Hao smacked his lips, and subconsciously activated the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, trying to resist the attack of demon energy.

It doesn't matter if he pushes it, his body begins to release a mysterious brilliance, like a giant dragon, it swallows up the devilish energy pouring into his body in an instant.

At the same time, Long Hao also felt that his cultivation had increased a bit.

"I'm going, this Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art can even refine devil energy?"

Startled for a moment, Long Hao suddenly excitedly murmured to himself.

"So, wouldn't it be possible for me to stay in the abyss and practice forever without worrying about the invasion of devil energy, or even swallowing devil energy to improve my cultivation?"

The danger in the Demon Suppressing Abyss, apart from the demons, is the harsh natural environment.

Ordinary practitioners can't absorb the magic energy, and must allocate part of their strength to resist the invasion of the magic energy. All consumption can only be replenished from the spirit stone, which cannot last at all.

Just imagine, you have to go back to Town Demon City to rest every once in a while, not to mention the troublesome running back and forth, and you can't explore the Demon Town Abyss in depth.

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and no valuable gains can be obtained.

But Long Hao is completely different, he is also like a duck to water here.

"As expected of the unrivaled magic art created by the Ancestor Dragon of Kaitian, I, Long Hao, really have great luck, haha..."

Long Hao pinched his waist and looked up to the sky and screamed, his expression was so frightened that those who didn't know thought that a great emperor was roaring to the sky.

However, his laughter soon attracted an unexpected guest.

call out!
A shadow shot out from the darkness, lurking in the dark air, unable to see clearly.

After locking on to Long Hao, pale fangs and sharp claws suddenly appeared from the shadows, and they charged at Long Hao like lightning with a flick of his body.

"Abyss Demon Race!"

(End of this chapter)

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