Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 149 Entering the Supernatural Realm

Chapter 149 Entering the Supernatural Realm
For those who have completed the ten major stages of the Transcendent Realm, after their spirit and true qi have been tempered to the extreme, they can unite with their spirit and energy, so that their thoughts can be understood, mana can be derived, and they can enter the realm of supernatural powers.

Although the strength of Long Hao's zhenqi was comparable to mana very early on, it was because of the relationship between practicing the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, and the starting point was already very high.

The higher the starting point, the higher the upper limit.

It is naturally more difficult for Long Hao to break through the supernatural power realm than ordinary people.

Ordinary panaceas to help him break through are of little use to him. Only the heaven and earth fire that quenches everything can help him.


Long Hao's hands formed seals quickly, and the circulation route of the true energy in his body was replaced by the Fen Tian Good Fortune Kung Fu.

"Give it to me!"

With a loud shout, a green light suddenly appeared in Long Hao's dantian.

The moment the green light appeared, the surrounding air was evaporated, and then a magical force attracted the green light, twisting it into a black hole that devoured everything.

That black hole is like the origin of everything.

A frenzied little purple dragon suddenly stopped beating after encountering this magical power, trembling slightly, showing a look of extreme fear and anger.

But regardless of the dark green black hole, the absorbing force released was like an invisible big hand, arbitrarily grabbing the purple little dragon and swallowing it.


Long Hao's body trembled, and his spiritual consciousness sensed a miniature purple fire dragon suddenly appearing in the qi sea of ​​his dantian, wrestling with the green flame.

Qianjue Poison Flame and Ziyang Longyan are both strange fires of heaven and earth, with violent fire nature, just like one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

But with the operation of Fen Tian's Good Fortune Art, that mysterious force suddenly increased greatly, forcibly distorting the void in the dantian qi sea, kneading the two strange fires together.

Boom boom boom...

The violent heaven and earth strange fires collided continuously, causing violent shocks in the air sea.

However, the Fen Tian Good Fortune Art specializes in condensing the strange fires of the heavens and the earth, neither the Qianjue Poison Flame nor the Ziyang Longyan can resist, and they are finally blended together and turned into a red spark.

Fentian Good Fortune Kungfu has nine levels of realm, and the condensed flames of each level are different in color, starting from the primary color of scarlet red, it can be regarded as the first level that has been truly refined.

"Okay, practice for me!"

Long Hao was overjoyed, and quickly urged the red flames to flood his body, and began to temper his spirit and true energy.

This is a long and extremely dangerous process.

Because if there is a slight mistake, it will catch fire and set itself on fire.

Fortunately, the controlling power of Fen Tian's Good Fortune Kungfu is extremely strong, coupled with Long Hao's tenacious will, even though the pain was in his soul, Long Hao still stood firm.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Long Hao's spirit and true energy have been tempered to the extreme, suddenly there is light in the sky, and Long Hao seems to have realized something.

"The top is poor and the blue is falling, and the bottom is poor and the ocean is boundless. It connects the heaven and the earth, and the chaotic ancestor dragon evolves all things..."

At this time, Long Hao activated the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art at the same time.

Indistinctly, a chaotic ancestral dragon spanning hundreds of millions of miles manifested, hovering above the sky, and incarnate the universe.


The high-pitched sound of the dragon chant went straight into the soul, vast, ancient and noble, as if passed down from the nine heavens.

The ocean of air below turned into a boundless chaotic void, containing everything and deriving everything, just like Zulong's aura.

Feeling the aura of the same origin, Zulong let out a high-pitched cry and plunged down.

Zulong enters the sea!

At this moment, heaven and earth are united, and yin and yang are in harmony.

The still Dantian petrified, like a chaotic chicken.

A thunderbolt flashed down.

Heaven collapsed!

Ground fissure!

The void revives and the world evolves.

Strands of dragon-like horses, invisible and colorless, gathered together and turned into a Milky Way, constantly swimming in the upper and lower dantians.

God and Qi combine to derive mana!
At that moment, Long Hao only felt that he could see his nature clearly, his consciousness penetrated the world, and he was in harmony with nature.

A gigantic dragon that lifted the sky and pierced the earth suddenly opened its mouth wide, and the four poles of the world moved, and the turbulent spiritual energy of the sky and the earth came together like thousands of streams flowing into the sea.

Sensing the heaven and the earth, the thought is clear!

As the turbulent spiritual energy of heaven and earth entered his body, the aura on Long Hao's body began to surge.

Every dragon vein in the body seemed to be sublimated, becoming extremely hungry and devouring all energy crazily.

I have the experience of Burning the Devil Emperor, and I have carefully observed many details of Lei Yin's breakthrough.

Therefore, Long Hao's breakthrough this time should not be too smooth, as if it was a matter of course.

"Supernatural Realm, this is the Supernatural Realm!"

Long Hao roared excitedly in his heart. He felt that the current self was like a fairy in the legend, his temperament was completely sublimated, and with a single movement of his mind, he was almost omnipotent.

"Meow, Dad is amazing!"

Long Xiaomiao jumped out from the corner, greedily sucking in the special aura that remained on Long Hao's body.

The original ancestral dragon breath that emerged from Long Hao's body just now made the little guy terrified and felt the oppression from the innate soul.

It didn't dare to stand out until Long Hao restrained his whole body's breath, and it respected and loved Long Hao even more.

Breathing in that mysterious breath, Long Xiaomiao seemed to have returned to her mother's arms, with a reassuring and happy smile on her face, and soon fell asleep comfortably.

Lovingly rubbing the little guy's head, Long Hao was also very happy.

With the support of mana, many martial arts that he has practiced to the extreme have all evolved into real supernatural powers.

The power skyrocketed.

Besides, what excites Long Hao the most is that now he can finally practice the many powerful methods of the Burning Demon Emperor.

He has been coveting for a long time.

According to Long Hao's knowledge, a generation of devil emperors has mastered a total of [-] magical powers, and now they are all his.

"Ha ha……"

"I want sky eyes, invisibility, teleportation..."

Laughing excitedly, Long Hao excitedly began to look up the memory of Emperor Burning Heaven.

However, after half a day, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, his brows were wrinkled, and there were black lines all over his forehead.

"Extraordinary, you are playing with me, God!"

Opening his eyes, Long Hao angrily wanted to scold his mother.

It is true that the Burning Devil Emperor has mastered eight hundred supernatural powers, and some of them are extremely miraculous and powerful.

Even Long Hao's most wanted sky eye and teleportation... are included.

But what made Long Hao dumbfounded was that the more powerful the supernatural power was, the harsher the cultivation conditions would be.

They often need to have the power of the bloodline in order to practice.

Of course, people with ordinary blood can also refine it, but they need some foreign aids.

For example, celestial eyesight is the innate supernatural power of the three-eyed tribe. If a creature without the blood of the three-eyed tribe wants to practice, it must obtain the three-eyed tribe's sky eye to comprehend and refine.

But the Sanmu tribe is an extraterritorial race, not a native of the Xuanhuang Great World. They are extremely rare and powerful, and ordinary people have no chance to come into contact with them.

As for the teleportation supernatural power, it is even more outrageous. It can only be refined by the void spar hidden in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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